69. Family dinner

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"Did we actually do that to Percy?" she laughed choking on her food. 

Bill and Charlie had been talking about that time in the summer of second to third year when they decided to have a prank war where the recipient of the pranks would be Percy. It was Bee with the twins and Bee with Charlie and Bill, as the eldest of the Weasleys wanted to prove that they were the superior pranksters in the family. 

"We only let them win because Freddie wanted to impress you." Charlie said eyeing his now blushing brother. 

"Did you really fancy me being that young?" she asked. 

"Oh and before that! I can picture the day I could tell he liked you like it was yesterday!"

11 year old Bee had just been approached by 13 year old Oliver Wood after a Quidditch Match. Oliver was clearly flirting, which she didn't really notice because one, she was a child, and two Wood was and will forever be cheeky but shit at flirting. Fred had been staring at the two talking, completely ignoring his twin and their Lee Jordan. 

"What is he staring at anyways?" said Lee, looking at their direction. 

And then George saw it and it just clicked. Of course. The lingering glances, the jealousy in his eyes, the fact that he'd make them all wait for her to go down to eat breakfast and the personally going to get her on Saturdays so the girl wouldn't sleep in and miss it. 

"You like Bee!" George said a little to loud. 

"I don't know what are you talking about, Georgie." 

"Yeah I can see it too, now that George mentioned it." Said Lee, looking at his best friend. 

"I just kinda fancy her" Fred admitted. 

"So you aren't absolutely jealous at the fact that he just tucked her hair behind her ear?" 

"He did what now?!" 

"He didn't." said Charlie, who had been listening to the whole thing. "But I don't she realised Wood has been very awkwardly flirting with her. You are shit at hiding things, Fredders." 

"Okay, okay, maybe I bloody like her! So what? She doesn't like me back." 

"I don't know which one of the two is blinder" said Percy not looking up from his book. 

"Sod off, Percival"  answered Fred, sinking into his seat at the Great Hall. 

"Isn't that the kid who came in the other and said something about Quidditch and me liking him?" Bee asked. 

"Can you believe the bloody man tried to flirt with her in front of me? I can't stand him, I really can't" huffed Fred, stabbing the food with his fork. 

"Jealous much, Freddie?" Bill laughed, holding Fleur's hand. 

Fred mimicked his brother's words in a mocking tone, stabbing still the poor potato close to disintegrating. Everyone laughed at his actions, Bee blushing a little. Having dinner with the Weasleys felt for some reason oddly familiar, like she was in a really long state of deja-vu. She only recognised three of the present people.  Everyone was kinda hoping she'd just remember them like it was some sort of magic trick. But as much as she was enjoying the stories, she couldn't remember anyone still. This hurt specially Harry and Fred, but Remus had reassured them that she would eventually remember. She was remembering people a little faster than expected, so anything could happen. 

"Harry! You haven't told her about the time she saved all of our asses from Snape in second year." said Ron, as the memory appeared in his head, trying to get Harry to talk more. 

"That Snape guy sounds like a git." She said. "He is a professor isn't he?" 

"Was, he was. He died." 

"Well shit I feel bad now." 

"Oh don't." Fred said. "He did come to our wedding but old Snivellus had it for us when we were younger, he once gave you detention for asking a question."

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were running through the corridors. The year had just started and they were already in trouble. Hell, poor Ginny had been there for literal days and his brother had already dragged her into trouble and she was going to get revenge at some point. 

"Ronald I swear to Merlin you'll have to sleep with an eye open from now on" Ginny said gasping for air.

Finally being able to perform magic, the Golden Trio had promised the young one to teach her a few spells. After the howler Molly sent they all needed a good laugh, but it also meant they had to be extra careful. Somehow a spell said in the wrong way and with the wrong flick of the wrist had turned Snape into a blond. The man was furious, and he was going to get them expelled for what they had done. Or so he thought. 

From the other side of the corridor, Bee had witnessed the whole thing. She knew Snape was after their heads, so she just had to save the day and not let Harry go back to that awful family of his. With a simple spell, she pulled the four into a class and faced Severus, who looked hilarious. 

"Looking good, Severus. They say blondes have more fun." she teased. 

"Don't make me ask you twice, where are they?" 


"Potter, Granger and the youngest Weasleys. They need to get detention for what they did to me." 

"I'm offended, Severus. I was the one who pulled the prank. Only a genius like me could think of that!" 

"So it was you?" 

"Yes and I can do better" she said flicking her wand and stilying the hair Marilyn Monroe style. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes, my dear. I'm sure Filch will fall at your feet." 

"That's enough, Black! You are just as insufferable as your father. Detention for three weeks, and be thankful I'm not reporting this to Dumbledore." 

"It was you!" almost screamed George. "You never told us! You are my absolute queen Bee, this was Hogwarts history!" 

"She is the Daughter and was raised by Marauders, what did you expect?" Remus chimed in. 

"You took the fall for us AND you managed to mock him in the process" said Ginny remembering amused. "It was a tough year but I'm glad you were at Hogwarts." 

"Wait a minute" Bee said as something clicked in her brain. "I remember you Ginny! It was the year you went missing, wasn't it?" 

"Yes!" Ginny cheered. "Oh welcome back I'm so glad you finally remember me, we soooo have to catch up." 

The both of them laughed, Ginny almost in tears as she had finally her sister in law back, the girl who she had been looking up to for years. That was person number 4 Bee remembered. The rest of the dinner went on just like that, laughing and having fun. Molly felt her heart warm at what the sight. Maybe Bee didn't remember her just yet, but she had no doubt she'd remember all of them soon. And that was enough for her. 

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