41. Starting life

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Molly Weasley thought she had a heart attack when her, Arthur, Bill and Charlie saw the trio in the sofa. She was laughing to cover for the fact that had she not been a lovely lady she would smack the three of them on the back of their heads to infinity. Bill and Charlie just wanted to take out some popcorn and enjoy the show. 

Bee had to be extremely careful with both her hands and her words, but Sirius noticed the way her hands were never seen and he couldn't help but find this amusing. Him and Bee had made up over the letters, as she had told him the memory for her Patronus. 

"Can anyone tell me what is happening in here?" Molly said already losing control. 

"Come on, we made supper. We all need to sit down." said Remus as they all made their way to the table. 

Sirius served some funny looking pasta, and Molly was ready to just go for it. 


"We left school." said Bee simply. 

Molly didn't know if she was going to kill George or Fred first. 

"Listen to them, mum." said Bill. 

"We left because we couldn't take it anymore." said George "We were getting bullied by a teacher. You already heard what she told Bee. We were in detention so much Fred almost got sent to the hospital wing. And Bee was getting terrible panic attacks. We figured we had the shop, the café and the flats. It was time." 

"And you didn't think to speak to a teacher?"

"I did" said Bee a little quietly. "I spoke to Minnie and she said that if things went south she was willing to speak to Albus to let us finish the months we had missed and graduate." 

"Always the responsible one, Bee" said Bill smiling. 

"I guess as long as you can go back, I can't oppose to this, you are adults after all." Molly said calming down. 

"Mum, dad there is one more thing you need to know" Fred said. 

Remus and Sirius knew what was coming and were grinning, George was internally freaking out. You don't tell your mum this kind of news after telling her you are in fact dropping out. 

"Um so, Freddie proposed" said Bee trying to find the words. 

Ah, the chaos. Arthur congratulated them, Molly fainted, Charlie sobbed and Bill choked on his food.

"Oh my baby, my baaaby" said Charlie unable to move being comforted by Bill. 

"Charlie I'm old enough to..." started Fred. 

"Not you, her!" said Bill and Charlie at the same time. 


Fred and Bee looked at each other and then at Wolfstar, not knowing how to save the situation. Sirius was cry laughing at this point, hugging his daughter with pride. Remus joined the hug, happy to see her that happy. Happy times, again. 

After a little while, Arthur took Molly home, the woman still in pure shock. Her little Freddie was getting married to little Bee Black. Not so little anymore. The woman had to cope. 

"There is no baby, right?" asked Charlie as the five of them went to Diagon Alley. 

Bill and Charlie had said yes to a cup of tea in the couple's flat. It had been a little more decorated, the living room actually looking like one.  Bee was still wondering what to do with the master bedroom, but it looked like their little home. 

"Godric no!" Bee said laughing. "Here we are, home." 

"Well this is a rather nice place, OH MY GOD BILL LOOK AT THE WALL!" Charlie scanned the wall for a picture of him, finding one of him and Bee hugging when she was thirteen. "Bee you kept it all this time."

"Well of course bubs, we look great." she smiled as they looked at the pictures. 

"Is that your mum?" asked Bill, looking at the picture Fred had given her for her birthday. 

"Yeah, beautiful wasn't she?" 

They sat down as Bee heated the kettle for the tea. 

"Freddie darling the fridge is empty he have to shopping tomorrow."

"Can't we just eat take out, love?" 

"You said you'd cook, are you going to give up your promise that fast?"

"Look at them, bickering like a married couple already" said Bill. 

"Haven't they always?" said George from the sofa as he watched his brother and future sister in law bicker over the tea they were serving. 

Fred pretended to bite her cheek, barely putting any pressure just to kiss her there after. He put his hand on her waist to grab the tea from the cabinet she couldn't reach as they both giggled. 

"They really are made fore each other, it's crazy. They make me want to vomit and do something crazy for love at the same time." laughed Charlie.

The five of them had their tea, quickly saying goodbye so Bee and Fred could go back to sleep. When Charlie left, he left two things for Fred to give to Bee. The next morning Fred sent Bee to do some shopping as he had to draw on one of the lilacs walls of the café. Last night Charlie had given him two of the Yule Ball pictures, the one where him and Bee were kissing and the picture Bee wanted to hang. 

Fred's pencil started moving on the wall, carefully. He had drawn them before but this one was a special one. It was the first one he'd actually show the world. Him and Bee started to finally take shape, Fred smiling as he drew. They'd be in her café forever, and that brought Fred such happiness. And now she was his fiancé, everything going smooth. 

"Morning Freddie" said George coming in. 

"Morning Georgie! There's coffee upstairs." said Fred greeting his brother. 

"I'm just here to see what you're doing to the wall" George said. 

They had decided to finish the shop before renovating the café, and now they were doing just that. George noticed the picture sitting in a table far from where Fred was doing his thing. He smiled at the picture as he ran his fingers across the faces smiling back at him. His boyfriend, sister and brother, his people. George felt his heart get warmer. They were in the Yule Ball and in the picture you could only see their faces, Fred winking, Lee squinting, Bee sticking her tongue out as if if she was to lick Fred's face and him pouting. It was a great definition of their friendship, bright, tight and always there for each other. George felt he couldn't have chosen a better friend group. 

Bee came back a little later with some food as Fred was doing the last touches with the paint, trying to get her dress just right. Bee hugged George's side and he hugged her right back, watching the remaining of Fred's work together. He, just like Fred had always felt like home, she loved Georgie to death. They had a silent pact to always protect the order. Always. And Bee knew she'd kick anyone who tried to hurt him. 

"Wanna do the honours, Georgie?" Bee said handing him the frame. 

George stood on his tip toes and hung the picture on the wall, the three of them hugging. They were adults, they had jobs. But at heart, they'd always be those four idiots, the four kids who spent seven years rising hell in Hogwarts and that now held each other's hands ready to take on the world. 


Hello loves!

I really love this chapter. Ah, the calm before the storm. I don't know if anyone is reading up to date, but sorry for the slow updates. I am a theatre kid who starts previews tomorrow so I am tired from tech week. Next week I should be back with the regular updates <3

- Berts

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