95. Take them away

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Tw: Torture and somewhat graphic content and death.

"Okay, being careful with baby Sirius and exploring my powers I understand but was it reaaaally necessary to tie me up to a tree?" 

"You like it when I tie you up" Fred smirked. 

Everyone groaned, Lee and George finishing the chain pining her to a tree. They had decided it would be a good day to experiment on her powers, seeing as the little incident on the plane was more than enough to know that the powers were getting more and more powerful. They had a strategic team: Hermione, being the smart woman she was, was in charge of research and the mastermind behind the plan, Charlie who was there in case there was fire (working with dragons and all), Bill and Fleur, curse-breakers were a must, Harry and Ron making sure everything was going okay, Fred, George and Lee because they were the ones who knew her best and had brought the proper potions and Remus because he knew he couldn't just stay at home knowing what was happening in the forest near The Burrow. 

"Okay guys, stop messing with me, if you are going to tie me to the tree do it now." 

"What are you talking about? We already did!" 

"No you did not! Look!" She showed how her hands were indeed untied. 

"What the fuck?" Asked George. 

"Okay, let's do it again." Said Remus. "Fleur will you please curse the chains now?"

Fleur cursed the chains in order to make them pretty much unbreakable. She had been tied up before: when she was kidnapped, in bed with Fred, ... But the chains had never once broken before. Was she getting that powerful?

"Okay, now try and free yourself" said Hermione taking notes in a notepad. 

"Okay" she said and pulled her wrists forward, breaking the chain with little to no effort. 

"I don't know if I'm scared or turned on" Fred commented to Lee, who just nodded almost in agreement. 

"What if we trigger her feelings?" Suggested Harry, deep in thought. "Fred, George you brought Veritaserum right? Someone take a sip and say something brutally honest, see what happens." 

Hermione took the little vial out but no one dared to take a sip. Bee raised an eyebrow at the fear of the people, but deep inside she was scared too. Was this superstrength? It couldn't be, just last week Fred had to help her with some books because they were too many. Finally Fred took a step forward and took a little sip out of the vial. George whispered something in his ear, and before he could say anything else, Fred could help the words that came out of his mouth. 

"I want another baby." 

The leaves in the tree Bee was leaning on suddenly all fell on the floor, surprising everybody. George and Lee burst out laughing and decided to keep going, just see how far this could go. 

"How many do you want, Fred?" 

"I don't know, five, maybe six?" 

Yet another tree left naked out of shock. Hermione wrote it down, too engulfed in the situation to ask the two of them to stop, and of course not noticing Remus had gone pale and was being fanned by Harry, trying to get him not to pass out. 

"Okay one, if you want six kids you will be pushing out half of them that shit hurts, and two can we stop now? I don't want to harm any more trees, thank you very much." 

Suddenly there was a shift in the bushes, making everyone turn their heads. There he stood, presumed dead Fenrir Greyback smirking nastily at the lot. Remus quickly stood up, wand ready to kill him just like he had killed Peter. After all it was the monster who had turned him when he was only four. 

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