84. Red frosting

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Something in Lee's mind twitched, this was not on the script. Then again something in his brain was telling him it was wrong. This ongoing deja-vu was weird, a sequence of a movie he couldn't escape.  With clear script that repeated itself every night for months now. An old lady would give him two cupcakes, one with pink frosting and one with yellow one. He'd eat the yellow cupcake, wait for Bee, and then after a little, he'd give her the pink one. 

Lee looked into her eyes, and noticed that her eyes were blue, and not the usual green he had grown to adore over the years. This was confusing him even more. What was he supposed to do now? The curse was wearing off, meaning he was more aware of what was going on. 

"I'll tell you what," started the odd version of Bee. "You eat half of it, I'll eat the other half."

"You are not Bee, are you?" 

"What? Of course I am, Lee" said Harry nervously. 

"If you say who you think you are, tell me what was our first detention together." 

Harry knew he was screwed. She knew Bee very well, of course, but he couldn't remember everything she told him. After pondering for a few seconds he thought of the safest answer he could. 

"Um, Snape." 

Lee relaxed a little but he still was suspicious about her. He again urged her to eat the cupcake, but she once again refused. He was getting annoyed, for some reason, at the lack of cooperation from her. This was not how this was supposed to go, but he couldn't force her to it the cupcake. 

"Why won't you eat the cupcake, Bee?" 

"I'm not hungry, Lee." 

"But you love cupcakes." Lee examined her face, noticing something in her forehead. "What do you have in your forehead?" 

Harry reached out to touch and the second he touched the scar, his whole appearance changed. He was Harry again. Lee looked as confused as ever. The script was failing him and he looked around for the old lady, looking for an answer. 

"She's not here!" yelled Lee. "It's Potter! Hello? This is not how the dream goes! Help!" 

Nothing. Pure silence. Silence was the exact opposite thing happening in the flat above the shop. Ron had called Molly in hopes of calming George down a little, but it only made him more nervous. When he saw Molly coming out of the fire place he thought the worst. He thought his husband and his best friend had died.

Molly sat George down on the sofa, and made him some tea and supper. She then got Bee and Fred in the flat, and did the exact same. The lot (and Ron) ate in silence, almost with the same energy they would have after being yelled at by McGonagall. Only this time, it was because Lee and Harry were somewhere lost, with someone potentially poisoning the Chosen One. They had no idea of anything. Fred told Bee to go into George and Lee's room to try and sleep a little, being pregnant was tiring enough and he wanted her to at least get some rest. 

Fred tucked Bee into bed and kissed her nose. He explained everything to Molly, who now understood his son's concern. Molly sat down on the sofa an pulled both twins to her chest, the two cuddling up to his mother like little kids seeking a little comfort. Of course they cared about Harry, but they could lose so much in their lives. They didn't regret meeting Bee, at all. She was the reason for many of their adventures, and their number one supporter. But they felt sorry for her. She had lost so much, so young. And it didn't seem to stop, they wanted to protect her and never knew how. 

And then it happened, the all too familiar crack of apparition sounded from the room next to theirs. By the time Fred got to the room, Bee was already gone. She woke up in the same forest, Lee already waiting for her. She latched her arm on his and started walking when it hit her, this was the forbidden forest, next to Hogwarts. Only she couldn't see the castle, so she guessed they were deep in it. She was aware this wasn't a dream this time, and her priority was to find Harry, without Lee noticing she knew. 

"So Lee, would you like to tell me the sex of the baby?" 

If it was Lee, he wouldn't tell her or at least he'd look excited to be the only one with George who knew. If Lee truly was under the curse... that would be another story. 

"But you don't want to know, do you?"

"Well since this is a dream, I won't remember when I wake up." 

"How do you know this is a dream?" 

"Is it not? Why would I be in this forest then?" 

"You are right, this is a dream." Lee smiled. "As for the sex of the baby I don't know it."

"You don't? But Lee! You and Georgie are the only ones who know!" 

Mistake number one on both parts had been made. 

"I was uh, I was only kidding!" He laughed nervously. "Um still I shouldn't tell you. What if you remember?" 



"Oh I saw Draco the other day!" She started, "We went with Freddie to the hospital, I wasn't feeling so good. Turns out, there is a problem with the baby. Almost like if someone was trying to poison the both of us!" 

"That wasn't meant to happen." He mumbled, but she heard. 

Mistake number two on both parts. There was a sound coming from the bushes behind them, and as much as Lee was trying to play it cool, Bee knew that there were Death Eaters hiding at the mention of the baby getting hurt. What that people didn't know, was that Harry had done probably the smartest choice of his career. He apparated to the flat, got Molly to call the Order and apparated everyone back in the forest, hiding in every other bush. 

Fred's heart dropped to his stomach when he heard the voice of his fiance again, and at the same time, he was incredibly proud of her for taking one for the team and trying to solve this without playing hero. She was taking care of herself and the baby and it meant the world to Fred she was acting rationally. No more jumping in front of curses. But Fred's small happiness didn't last long. 

"Here, have this cupcake." 

"But it has red frosting?" 

Mistake number three, and the final one. Fred looked at Draco, who had gone extremely pale. This was new, to all of them. 

"Look, Harry! He'll have one half, and then you can have the other!" Lee said. 

The sound of the both of them falling to the ground, meaning they had eaten the cupcakes, made everyone's throats close and fear rise in their bodies. Soon enough, the voices of Bellatrix, Lucius and Peter sounded all through the forest, Draco's knuckles turning white refraining himself from going there and duelling all of them. 

"What do we do with the Jordan boy?"

"Apparate him to the flat. Release him from the curse so he won't remember." Ordered Bellatrix. "We'll bring the other two to Lestrange Manor. Make sure they don't wake up yet." 

Of course! They all looked at each other. And for the first time, Draco Malfoy was a terribly important key to get good side, because he was the only one who could apparate them to the mansion where they were going to be held captive, and Draco knew, this was time for revenge. Lucius Malfoy had his last hours counted. 


Hello loves! 

Do you guys think Draco will kill Lucius? Next chapter is going to be one for the books, I'm literally so excited. Thank you guys for the comments and the good vibes. They are very much loved!!! And so are you. 

-Berts <3 

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