6. Guilt

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George and Lee had been waiting for Fred's return to the room. As soon as the ginger boy stepped through the door, they attacked him with questions. 

"Lads, LADS, calm down, let me explain."

They all sat in their beds, all eyes on Fred. 

"She is okay. She doesn't hate you guys. But she is hurt. I think we forget she has a life to adjust now, and she might act like she is not bothered, but she is. And this is not a "let's give her a couple days to take it all in" kind of situation. She needs to do this in her own terms, and we have to be there for her."

George and Lee nodded. Fred stood up going to his sketchbook, looking for a very specific drawing. He wrote something down, ripped it from the book and left the room. She still hadn't gone to sleep, so he just folded the paper and put it under her pillow. 

Downstairs, Bee was feeling herself slowly drift off. She was drinking some tea Molly had made her to help her calm down. She was extremely tired but at the same time, she was thankful. For Fred, Remus and Molly. Thankful to have people that felt like home. Molly had acted like a second mother to her as soon as the twins brought her home. Of course she knew who she was, and was very happy to learn Fred and George were friends with her. Molly's chest filled with pride whenever she thought of her. She had gone through her fair share of shit, but the girl stayed strong. She had seen the girl grow up into a young woman with a bright future. She had always hoped she would return Fred's feelings towards her. Molly didn't say much, but she saw everything. The blushing, the stolen glances. The first Christmas back from Hogwarts Fred couldn't stop talking about about their new best friend Bee Black. It was like that ever since.

Bee had already fallen asleep on the couch, and Sirius being the only one awake decided to just put a blanket over her body and let her rest. The man looked at her daughter. She looked like a perfect mix of him and her mother. She was his ray of sunshine, and he swore he would protect her as much as he could, and he would make up for the time lost.

At around 4 in the morning, Fred woke up quite thirsty. As he made his way to the kitchen, he noticed the lump on the sofa, smiling at the sight. He grabbed his water and made his way over. He gently brushed her hair out of her face. 

"Freddie?" She whispered softly.

"Oh sorry love, did I wake you up?" 

She shook her head no, slightly opening her eyes. 

"Are you feeling any better?"

"A little, thank you Freddie."

"No need to thank me, love. I'm always here for you."

Fred stoop up to leave but her hand on his wrist stopped him. 

"Stay for a little? Please?"

He just chuckled, "Sure thing darling"

Fred laid on the sofa and wrapped his arms around her. She laid on his chest, his breathing helping her relax. 

"You know, we are making quite the habit out of sleeping together."

"I don't mind" she mumbled, "I really enjoy sleeping with you, Freddie."


It was 8 am when Bee woke up. It was July the 28th, meaning she was exactly a month away from turning 16, meaning she'd start her last year as a minor. Bee was excited for the future. She and the Twins had an idea. She would open a café next to their store and they would live in a flat near. It was the future they longed for. 

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