66. Minerva, the Headmistress

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As soon as they apparated to Hogwarts, Ginny left with Neville, Luna and Seamus who had been fighting for a while. Hogwarts didn't look like Hogwarts, it was full of dust and most importantly, Death Eaters. Minerva saw the two kids ans ran to them, urging them to hide, and scolding them for going back to the school. Minerva was now filling Dumbledore's position, meaning she was in charge and orchestrating a whole army in a battle.m 

Fred and Bee looked at each other, already knowing this was goodbye for now. Fred was crying out of fear as they embraced, her hand reaching for his cheek. 

"It's going to be okay, Freddie" she whispered leaning her forehead on his. "Whatever happens I love you." 

"I love you too" he said pressing a kiss onto her lips, almost as if that way time would stop just for a second. He then lowered his face onto her stomach kissing it too. "Sorry to be cliche, but I love them too." 

Minerva looked at the couple, the same kids she had falling asleep cuddled in detention not long ago, the same kids who she'd watch messily dance from her window, the same kids who could barely refrain from kissing each other when Fred would win at Quidditch, those same kids were now to be parents and ready to fight in a war. She felt awful for separating them, but Fred was in far more danger if he stayed with her. 

"Yeah so um bad timing, I'm pregnant. Harry, let's go." she said hugging Remus and grabbing Harry to run in the direction Minerva had told them. 

The Weasleys watched the pair run and turn a corner, the fear finally settling in. 

"Congratulations mister Weasley" smiled Minerva, "Now, Molly, Mr. Jordan and Miss Delacourt, please go the Hospital wing to help Poppy. The rest, you know the way, good luck and don't be stupid. We are not playing hero."

The lot separated in pairs. Fred and George were shooting spells back to back, so far getting only minor injuries, when they collided with something, rather someone. They grabbed the person from their collar, dragging them behind a wall and putting a wand to their necks. 

"Percy?" said the twins looking at their own brother. 

"I'm here to fight! On your side." he said, looking at George's wand on his neck. "I've made so many mistakes and I'm so sor-" 

"Save it for later Perce, there's a war to win and a child to raise." said George who was already over the moon with the fact that he was going to be an uncle. 

The three gingers ran across the corridor, fighting as they went looking for Molly. 

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" a voice they knew stopped them. 

"George, Percy, go. This is for me." said Fred eyeing the Death Eater as his brothers ran. "We face each other again, Pucey." 

"I heard you married the whore." 

"I married the love of my life and you did what? Suck good old Voldemort's dick?" Fred spat back at him. 

"I'm going to fucking destroy you, Weasley."

"I'd love to see you try." 

And with that, Fred and Adrian started hexing each other, with no mercy to spare. Fred had his wand up Adrian's neck, and he knew he didn't need to use the Killing Curse, he was so beaten up a simple hex would do. And so he did. Adrian's body destintegrated in the air, Fred smiling in victory. He ran to the Great Hall, looking for his family. 

He found Molly and Lee holding the side of George's head, which seemed to be bleeding. He rushed to them. 

"They got his ear, they sent a full on hex" explained Percy. 

"How do you feel, Georgie?" whispered Mrs Weasley. George's fingers groped for the side of his head.

"Saint-like," he said softly.

"What's wrong with him?" croaked Fred, looking terrified. "Is his mind affected?"

"Saint-like," repeated George, opening his eyes and looking up at his brother. "you see ... I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?"

Fred thought he was going to smack his other year off.

"Pathetic. Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humour before you, you go for holey?"

"Ah well," said George, grinning at his tear-socked mother. "You'll be able to tell us apart now, anyway mum."

"George shush before she hexes you into oblivion." said Lee, smiling at his mother in law. 

Meanwhile, Harry and Bee were running the corridors, sending spells and hiding the best they could. They turned a corner to see Narcissa (now Black instead of Malfoy). 

"Over here you guys!" she said motioning them to get inside. Narcissa went behind them, closing the doors. The room of requirements now had a small sofa and stuff to tend wounds. 

"Harry show me your ankle." Narcissa said.

Harry's ankle was sprained. Nothing too bad, Harry could still walk, but this was what had made them go even slower. Narcissa helped them with the wounds, and both Bee and Harry were thankful to have a motherly figure with them. 

"I think you should stay." said Harry looking at Bee. 

"Absolutely not, Harry. You are not fighting alone." 

"But you are pregnant!" 

"And my life is not more important than yours! I can get pregnant as much as I want Harry but you and I are already alive. If we lose, we lose our actual lives. And you are not going to go out there and risk your life for me. I'm sorry but I refuse." 

"I feel like I dragged you all to this." he sighted. 

"Harry, we are all in this together. And we have to fight together. We are stronger than we think we are. It's not our fault. It has never been."

Outside the walls things were rough, corpses were piling themselves on the Great Hall, the injured ones making sure it was not someone they loved. Screams were now sobs, hexes being shouted and lights illuminating the corridors. That was until a voice ran through the walls of Hogwarts. 

"Harry Potter. Arabella Weasley-Black. The Chosen One and The Flower of Life. This is the Dark Lord calling you. Your friends have died in vain, stop hiding. Come fight. My troupes will now retreat, but you have one hour to meet me in the forest and fight. If not, this is end for all of you. You have a choice. Be wise." 

"Harry do you trust me?" 

"I do." 

"We are going to go out there and fight. But trust me okay, don't question the plan." 

Harry nodded, knowing she wasn't going to go without a fight. Hogwarts was in absolute silence, the only noise being Harry and Bee's footsteps and the quiet sobs of those who had lost a loved one. Hand in hand, they first stopped to wave goodbye to the Weasleys and Remus, the whole lot crying silent tears. They were aware this could be goodbye.

Fred saw the two of them leave, with a weird feeling at the pit of his stomach. He sat down in the grass with Lee and George. Their best friend had left to fight the Dark Lord himself, and they knew there was a slim chance of her making it out alive and well. They had their arms around each other, waiting. 

That was until a red light emerged from around the trees. 

"Avada Kedavra!" 

And all they heard next, was one Bee Weasley scream in utter pain. 


This chapter took me hours and two breakdowns to write, but I'm kinda satisfied now. Next chapter will have answers, I promise. 

- Berts <3

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