62. The Weasley brothers

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Bill and Charlie were outside smoking, when Fred approached them. The eldest of the Weasley siblings had learnt how to love the nature around the cabin, so it wasn't weird to find them outside at times. 

"Fancy one?" Bill said, offering the small box to Fred.

"Actually yes, please." 

"You okay Freddie?" asked Charlie, looking at the boy. 

"I just think that all of this is rather ironic, she'd be so mad that we are taking turns taking care of her" Fred laughed lightly, taking a drag of the cigarette. "If I close my eyes I can hear her bloody scolding us. I just hate not being able to hear her voice, you know. I miss my girl." 

"We all do Fred, but she has been doing little movements this past month, she is coming back soon." said Bill, exhaling the smoke. "She is a really though cookie. She has gone through hell and back with scrapped knees and she is not tired to fight." 

"Can I ask you guys what is your favourite memory of her? I need some happy thoughts." 

"Oh I got one!" said Charlie. 

Bee and Charlie, aged 13 and 18 were looking for something to do at the Burrow. They had met back at Hogwarts introduced by the twins and Charlie had adopted the girl as his new sister- just like the rest of the Weasleys (not Fred who was fascinated by her in other ways).

"We could bake a cake the Muggle way" she suggested. "But we can't let Ron inside the kitchen. Or the twins." 

"Deal! I'll put a spell on the door.  You take the ingredients." 

They started by mixing in the dry ingredients (not the chocolate) and then adding the eggs. Charlie got more shell in there than he would ever recognise out loud. The actual process was fairly easy, keeping the noses of Ron and the Twins out of the kitchen, not so much. They could hear them beg at Molly so she'd break the enchantment on the door. 

As they put the cake in the oven, hoping for the best, Bee took the spoon full of cake mix and left the kitchen silently. 

"Psssst Fred!" she whispered trying to catch only the boy's attention. 

Fred turned around and she showed the spoon, running to her and taking it gently from her hands. 

"You are my favourite person, did you know that?" he said licking the spoon clean. 

"Yeah, yeah, you only like me because I give chocolate" she laughed softly, leaving back to the kitchen. 

"You know" said Charlie as the girl entered the kitchen. "You two are going to get married." 

"Don't be stupid Charlie, we are just friends." 

"But you like him don't you?" 

"Oh my god is it that noticeable?" 

"I mean we all have, but he hasn't." 

"He doesn't like me like that, Charlie." 

"Oh but he does."

"He doesn't!" Bee said throwing a bit of the leftover flour on him. 

"You are sooo going to regret that!" 

Charlie grabbed an egg and crushed it on her forehead, the girl doing the same to him moments after. Soon enough the two of them were on a food fight, so full of ingredients they could bake themselves into a cake. 

"Charlie you are eighteen, do better" said Percy from the doorway. 

They two filthy kids looked at each other and ran to Percy, hugging the boy and leaving him full of food. 

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