Gaining a new obsession

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: cocoameow14

Summary: Y/n is obsessed with Hailee's abs and starts going to the gym more and more which surprises Hailee but she is proud of her.



Y/n's POV:

Hailee is napping right now and she's in her bra and shorts, she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps but one thing that I can't get over is how attractive her abs is, she really is working so hard on everything as well as herself and I don't know how she finds the time to do all of this. Working out, family, friends, singing, acting, modelling, making sure Brando and Martini are okay and having fun, spending time with me! It's so crazy how she does everything and doesn't lose her shit. I really don't understand how she does it.

I place a kiss on her abs over and over again as they really are just very attractive, I feel her hand move to my hair and she starts giving me head scratches, waking up. She itches her eyes and once she's done, she sees me kissing her abs.

"That feels nice." She hums out, a light smile tugging on the corner of her lips.

"Well, you have a beautiful physique." I compliment which she lightly laughs at before tapping her chest,

"Come rest your head here so I can give you a kiss." She tells me, I move up quickly making her laugh, she leans down a little bit and kisses my lips, I kiss her back and smile into the kiss as every time that we kiss, it always makes me feel so loved and special. We slowly pull away and she quickly rests her lips against mines again. I return the kiss and smile. She's so cute.


I walk into my room, on my phone.

"Hey, Hailes, I'm wondering if you—? Hi." I set my phone down on the bed and wrap my arms around her waist from behind and place a kiss on her cheek, she blushes at this.

"Hi." She grins out, leaning into my touch.

"What you up too?" I ask her, looking at her through the mirror, she just smiles at me. She probably knows why I'm hugging her, well, there are two reasons why I am. One, because of her abs that are showing since she's wearing a white crop top and because I like giving her hugs from behind. She always says how they are her favourite and I love hugging her from behind as well, so, it's perfect.

"Just trying on some new clothes." She hums out, "Do you like it?"

"I love it. You look very nice with it on, the fabric looks good. I think that the sleeves could be a little bit wider so that it'd look a little more oversized, what do you think?" I ask her, she laughs at this.

"I was literally about to mention the sleeves. I had to go up two sizes to get the perfect sleeve size." She explains to me, I hum at this.

"Well, you look beautiful." I compliment, placing a kiss on her cheek, she smiles at this.

"Thank you, baby." She thanks me, I tighten my grip lightly as I rest my head on her shoulder. "You're so cute, you know that, right?"

"Mhmm." I shrug lightly. She looks at me confused,

"What do you mean by 'Mhmm'? Do you not feel cute?" She asks me, I shrug lightly.

"I don't know." I mumble out, she turns around to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing all over my face as she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist, I laugh at this and walk over to our bed, lying her down and resting my head on her abs.

"Seriously? You rest your head there and not on my chest?"

"You're abs are hot, shush." I reply, making her laugh.


I'm lying down on the couch, watching YouTube videos and just watching anything and everything, but I saw something about a Sherlock Holmes game so, I'm watching the playthrough, it looks so fun and it only takes 6-9 hours. So, that'll only take me about... 4-8 days since I get bored easily but hey-ho, looks fun.

"Hey, baby?" I hear Hailee call on me,

"Yeah?" I shout back, I hear her come downstairs and look at her, she's in her workout clothes— abs! Abs! I want to see her abs. I sit up and walk toward the right side of the couch as it's closer to the bottom of the stairs,

"I'm going for a run, okay?" Hailee tells me, walking toward the door as she puts her Airpods in, she glances at me before turning to me. Just staring at me for a moment. She smiles at this and walks over to me, she places a kiss on my lips before pulling away after a second, she goes to leave but I grab her hand. "Baby..." She sighs out, turning to me, "what now?" She asks, I give her a light smile. She lets her shoulders fall. "After, deal?" I nod my head, "Good." She hums out and turns around but I don't let go of her hand. "Y/n— woah!" I pull her toward me and stand up on the couch, I hop off the couch and place another kiss on her lips. The first one was too short, she kisses me back and I feel her smile into the kiss. I pull away after a moment,

"The first one was too short." I tell her, she just smiles at me.

"I love you." She tells me,

"And I love you." I reply, letting go of her hand and walking back over to the couch, I jump onto the couch and Hailee heads out. Should I start going to the gym? I feel like I should, I mean I did used to go to the gym and I'm not in that bad shape, I eat the right foods and have some days where I just eat junk food or not at all, but I could go to the gym right—? Screw it, I'm going to the gym.

I head upstairs and get changed into my gym clothes that consisted of black shorts, a sports bra, a sports pair of shoes that is good for the gym, a t-shirt with a grey sleeveless hoodie. This hoodie is so comfortable, I grab my Airpods and grab my car keys that has a house key, I head out and lock the door behind me. Day 1. Here we go!


Day 20:

I have been going to the gym everyday apart from Friday's, those are rest days as well as Sunday's. I at least stay at the gym for over an hour and I'd say I'm doing pretty good, I've been a lot happier now that I'm at the gym. I'm just home from the gym and I set my keys down, today was legs and I am so tired, my legs hurt so bad but it'll work out in the end and I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I walk past Hailee who was on the couch and I hear some shuffling before she jumps on my back. I laugh at this and carry her.

"How was the gym?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly.

"It was good, today was legs." I tell her, she takes a sharp inhale.

"Oooh, how you feeling?" She asks me, I shrug lightly.

"I don't know, I feel good though. I might use the leg massager after my shower." I inform her, she nods her head lightly and rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Good idea." She hums out, "See tomorrow?" I hum lightly, "You want to go for a 5k run?"

"Yeah, sure." I agree, putting my hand out, she gives me a high five.

"I'm so proud of you." Hailee tells me with a wide smile on her face, "You're doing really good." She tells me, I grin at this just smiling. I head into our room and set her down on the bed, I walk over to our closet and grab some clothes for after my shower.


I got dressed and brushed through my hair, I used the leg massager and it felt nice and helped a lot. I head downstairs and see Hailee lying on the couch, I lie down next to her and just sigh.

"Hi, baby. How was your shower?" She asks me, I just want to sleep honestly, I'm so tired.

"It was nice..." I mumble in reply, tucking my head into her neck. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"You tired?" I nod my head and she places a kiss on my head. I just keep my eyes shut, waiting for sleep to pass. I'm so tired and exhausted. I feel myself slowly fall asleep.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now