Torn Apart 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting on the hammock at my grandad's cabin the next day, me and my family arrived first, we're waiting on the Steinfeld's and a family friend of ours, I'm reading and I'm glad that I got a break of Dylan teasing me in the car and my parents weirdly being happy for me and apologising to Dylan for it not working out but he didn't seem to care. He was happy for me for some reason, I'm not gonna lie though, I'm considering to moving online for Harvard, I think I might do it...

I'm swaying back and forth, looking out at the beautiful waterfall next to the cabin and sigh contently, listening to music through my earphones as I read, humming to the tune. I feel a tap on my shoulders, I jump, wanting to scream but manage to calm myself down and see Hailee while the rest of her family are heading inside, I pause my music and take my earphones out.

We didn't really get to talk this morning due to how quickly everyone was trying to leave, which was a bummer but hey, at least we can talk now.

"Hey, L/n." She greets me, I sit up and rest my feet on the ground, smiling up at her.

"Hey... Steinfeld." I greet her in reply, I stand up and grab my book and earphones, "Up for a talk?" I ask her, she sighs and looks embarrassed, "Hey, it's okay—"

"—No, I'm so sorry for being... so forward and giving—"

"—Please don't take it all back if you mean it." I plead with her, noticing her look into my eyes, a look of almost sympathy and understanding, she offers her hand and I take it, holding her hand. We head inside and I show her to my room, she gasps when she walks in and looks around,

"My god, it is beautiful." She expresses to me, I smile and she looks out the window, having a perfect view of the waterfall and a little deck to sit and read at as there's a nice wooden deck. I set my stuff down and she walks over to the edge of the deck, resting her arms on the wood, I head over to her, standing beside her and looking over at the waterfall, smiling. "This is so pretty..." She lets out, softly.

"I know..." I let out, "I get goosebumps every time I see it. I should be used to it... but... I really can't get over how beautiful it is." I express to her softly, looking over at her to see her smiling widely.

"Yeah, it's definitely a sight to remember." She expresses softly, I nod my head before taking a deep breath in and sighing,

"I guess we should talk..." I let out, turning around and resting my back against the wooden railing, she nods her head and turns to me, sighing.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so." She answers, quietly, looking down at her shoes. "Listen, I... I'm really sorry for the whole... drunk... boldness. I should've been less demanding and... horny." She expresses to me, making me laugh.

"It's all right, Haiz. I liked it. It was hard, I won't lie. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to give you everything you wanted but..."

"But not drunk?" She guesses, finishing my sentence for me, I chuckle softly and move in front of her, making her step back against the railing, I rest my hands on either side of her while I nod my head in agreement,

"But not drunk." I confirm, seeing her glance at my lips before looking at my eyes, smiling lightly.

"And now?" She asks me, I raise an eyebrow at this, trying to play 'confused'.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now