Nothing but Trouble

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee goes to a small town to visit family for a month and bumps into the girl who seems to not have a care in the world.

Just to throw it out here, I'm not gonna name the place as I kinda wanna use my imagination and leave it up for interpretation so, you guys can imagine where Hailee is visiting



Hailee's POV:

I decide to set my bag down on my bed and let my shoulders fall as the plane ride here was so exhausting, I'm honestly so tired from my flight but I'm so glad I'm here to be back with my family. It's good. I can't wait to go to the beach, have some fun and chill by the pool. Annoy my brother. Look at photos of when I was younger. Have nice conversations with my gran and grandad. See my little nieces and nephews.

I'm so excited! But this bed just looks way too comfortable right now. And I am so excited to sleep. I don't think I've ever been this tired in a while before, as much as I like the feeling off falling asleep almost immediately and my body melting into the bed, I would really like to not feel so sore everywhere.

I hear a light tap on the door, I turn around to see Griffin,

"Hey, you ready?" I hear him ask me, I look at him confused.

"Ready? For what?" I ask him, he chuckles at this and points outside. I turn to look at the window before turning back to him.

"We're having a beach party." He explains, my face falls.

"Shut up right now, you're joking right?" I ask him, he laughs at this and nods his head before pointing at me, and slapping his hand on his thigh.

"You should see your face." He laughs out before walking away, I groan at this and shut the door. I head over to my bed and move the suitcase off before jumping onto my bed and shutting my eyes.


It was my first full day out of a whole month of being here and I am the most excited for it! I am so glad to be away from the business and troubling timetable that I have back in LA. I'm just glad that we're having a beach day today. Apparently my nieces and nephews are gonna be hanging out with their friends for the day and staying the night but I'll get to the see the suckers tomorrow. I'm wearing shorts and a bra with a shirt over it.

I brush through my hair and let it chill naturally, I brush my teeth and do some light make up before putting some dry shampoo on my hair then I'll shower when I'm back and before dinner. I'm pretty sure that we're going out for some food which I'm quite excited for as I really like going out to dinner. But I don't want to think about dinner right now, I still need to think about breakfast!

I head out of my room and start to walk around and look to find my brother and dad watching the football, seeing the Seahawks playing against Los Angeles Rams. Hmm. Boring.

"Hey! You're awake." I hear my dad say, I give him a small wave.

"Morning." I greet him,

"Morning." Griffin mumbles, I grab a pillow and chuck it at his face before heading outside to see my mom talking with my grandad and grandad, my aunt and uncle.

"Ayyy! There she is." My gran announces, everyone turning to me. I smile at everyone and greet them, giving my gran a hug and everyone else.

"Mom, can I go out for a walk?" I ask her, she nods her head.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now