Awkward First Day

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Summary: Y/n is Spider-Woman and after going into what she thinks is her new apartment building, she bumps into a certain archer that she is actually classmates with and when she goes to her new work the next day, bumps into the same raven-haired archer.



Y/n's POV:

I have my hands on the building out of breath and trying to catch my breath, I glance back at the damage that I've created after saving 5 people from a burning building, I crawl to the back and hide in an alleyway, taking my mask off and catching my breath.

"Oh, my god..." I let out, trying to calm my breath down, resting my hand over my quick beating heart. I have a bit of a limp with my left leg and a few cuts here-and-there that'll fix up in a couple of weeks after I clean up the cuts and put some plasters on it, I let my back fall down the bricks of the building and sit down, coughing and spitting out some blood. "God, I hate that..." I let out, shaking my head and groaning as I wrap my arm over my stomach. I tilt my head back, trying to catch my breath. I look up at the sky, smiling to myself. Pushing myself up and onto the wall, I grab my mask and put it on getting to the top of the building, almost slipping a couple of times due to how sore my left leg is and how tired my feet are from all the running away. "Come on, come on..." I let out, webbing myself up onto the top and flipping onto the roof of the building. I look around, trying to figure out where to go before beginning to swing around, heading home.


I arrive on my building and go to the side of the building, crawling up and onto the second last floor, I open the window and crawl inside, webbing the window shut and letting myself dangle from the ceiling using my right hand to keep me up, I hear a scream, making me scream causing me to fall and see a girl with raven black hair and blue eyes.

"What— What're you doing in my apartment?!" I exclaim, shouting over her scream.

"Me?! You're in— Wait, why do you sound like someone I know?" The girl asks me, I finally take a good look at her— holy shit, it's Kate Bishop. The new recruit and the girl I go to school with. I have a massive crush on her and I could talk about her for ages and ages, I'm actually starting to work with her mom tomorrow, as I talked to Eleanor Bishop - who was nice - and when I told her what I wanted to be in future, she offered some job experience.

"Kate. Hi." I greet her, waving awkwardly as I limp toward her and offer my hand, "Spider-Woman, I... Avenger..." I introduce myself, she takes my hand, shaking it with a shocked look on her face,

"Kate Bish— how'd you know my name?"

"Oh, Edi..." I realise she won't know who I'm talking about before shaking my head and looking down at my feet, swaying back and forth on my feet before looking up at her, "Doesn't matter, I found out from the team." I answer in reply, seeing her nod her head lightly.

"Cool... Cool, cool, cool." She lets out, nodding her head as she glances around the room, both of letting go of our hands and moving them to our sides. "So... what—what're you doing in my room?" She asks me, crossing her arms and heading toward me, I glance toward the window before turning back to her.

"I... I thought it was my room, what floor is this?"

"Top floor."

"I thought it was the second last floor. My bad." I apologise, heading toward the window with a limp and sitting on the window ledge, "You okay?" I ask her, she nods her head and I lean backwards, resting my hands on the wall, I flip my body backwards and crawl downstairs, seeing Kate rush and rest her hands on the ledge,

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