Online "friends" meet in person

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: aaprobins

Summary: Y/n and Hailee meet on line and become best friends, (Hailee isn't famous) and they finally meet in person when Y/n goes to LA to surprise her.

Thank you for 4k! I love you all so much <3



Y/n's POV:

I'm in London with my family, I'd normally be in New York for a modelling show but I wanted to go home as my oldest sister, Ellie, is getting married and I wouldn't miss out on the wedding, I'm sitting on my bay window but I need to get up early in the morning but I'm staying awake as I have an online friend, Hailee Steinfeld, and she lives in LA. I really like talking to her, she's super sweet, super funny but I just wish I could meet her.

I say wish, I'm gonna surprise her. Her older brother Griffin is so cool and he told me that I could surprise her after the wedding and if I was short - which I luckily wasn't - that he'd pay any extra cost. He's so sweet. As I'm waiting for our call, I'm just reading and have my feet up. I hear my phone ring and I look over to see that it's from Hailee. I smile at this and answer immediately, I set my phone up and put my bookmark on the page that I'm at. Me and Hailee have been talking for almost a year! A whole year. I gained feelings almost immediately.

"Y/n!" I hear Hailee exclaim excitedly, I smile at this and turn to the screen; seeing the beautiful Hailee.

"Hailee!" I grin out, she smiles widely. "How're you?" I ask her, she shrugs lightly before yawning.

"I don't know, a little tired." She expresses to me, "Are you excited for the wedding?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah! Thank god that they're not making me wear a dress." I inform her in relief, she laughs at this.

"Come on, dresses aren't that bad." She rebuttals, I scoff at this.

"Yeah, okay. For you. Because you can look pretty dressing like a boy and a girly girl. I don't have the pleasure of doing that, Steinfeld." I tell her, making her laugh. I smile at this and listen to the rain pattering against the ground, it was really nice and beautiful.

"Is it raining?" I hear Hailee ask me, I nod my head.

"Yeah." I grin out, "I might get my film camera and take a picture," I explain to her,

"Do it. Do it right now!" She tells me excitedly, I laugh at this and grab my film camera, I head back over to the bay window and sit down, I open my window and grab my phone, setting it somewhere else. I take a few pictures, trying to get the best picture. I grin at the last one and set it down, looking at the ones I've taken. I take a few more as it's never good just to take one, always take loads and pick the best one. "Will you send me them?" I hear Hailee ask me, I turn to her looking at her, "What? I just want to make sure!"

"Hailee, of course. I always send you the photos I take on my film camera, why wouldn't I?" I ask her, making her laugh. She shrugs lightly,

"I... don't know..." She replies, smiling lightly. I take a few more then grab my laptop and import them from my camera to my laptop. I move them to an editing software to sharpen a few things, adjust the camera a little bit and zoom in a little. "Then! Griffin manages to speed past him and win 3rd place at the last corner!" She exclaims excitedly, I turn to the camera in shock as I was listening to her story while doing work.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now