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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Y/n has always had a crush on Nadine and they've been friends for a while, Nadine calls Y/n after what happens with Nick and when Y/n comforts her, she starts to compliment and tells her how wonderful she is which makes Nadine realise that maybe Y/n feels more than friendship between the two.



Nadine's POV:

I can't believe this has just happened, I can't believe he used me! He used me! I mean come on, he didn't even want to know who I was? He wanted nothing but sex?

"Now you're gonna try to make me the bad guy? You're the one who messaged me." He argues, looking at me pathetically, I scoff at this.

"I hope you hit a tree in this peace of shit. I hope you get paralysed!" I shout at him, grabbing my bag and getting out of the car, slamming it behind me. I start to walk away, trying to stop myself from crying and taking a deep breath before my deep breath hiccups and I feel a tear fall, I feel my heart break as I quickly start running and begin to cry as the rain falls, a little bit of thunder rumbling. I hate this. 

I hate me. Why do I have to be so stupid? 

I rush behind a container and rest my back against it, letting myself cry as I run my hand through my hair then set it on my stomach, trying to clam down; yet everything simply was let out, I couldn't control myself, I wanted to simply hide away from the world that has betrayed me on so many occasions and float away. Become a ghost for real this time. See what heaven is like. Possibly hell. But then again, it should be whoever decided to put me into this world who goes to hell as the world is full of shit. Not a single person can make this moment great.

I rest my hands over my face, trying to silence my tears in case Nick had gotten out of the car, tried to find me; and if he was anywhere near me, he wouldn't know as it'd be quiet and the tears would simply fall freely while I want to crawl in a hole and let the world forget that I existed. I remove my hands and let them fall to my side as I try to calm myself down. Taking deep breaths yet I simply couldn't catch my breath. As if the last moments of my life. Like all the air simply washed away and there was none left for me. 

My shaky hands pull out my phone from the small bag that I stupidly brought and look to see all the calls and messages, one of them being the most noticeable. Y/n.

"Nadine, please answer me, I'm worried about you."

"I just wanna know your okay." 

"I know that you and Krista haven't exactly been the best but she's worried and I am too. Please, call me back. Or text me back."

"I can try stall for you?"

"Only if you want too."

"I mean, you don't have to agree to this offer, but I'm just worried and I don't want everyone to panic, you know?"

"I know you don't like much attention." 

"Nadine, come on, I just want to talk."

"If I find out that your with that Nick fucking Mossman, I'm killing him."

"He's an asshole who likes to sleep around and be a dickhead for a job."

I click on her name and call her, pressing the phone to my ear; waiting for her to reply, she always cheers me up and knows just the perfect thing to say in any situation, it's one of the things I like about her, she also gives me hugs even though she claims that she doesn't like them. Her answer is always: "I hate giving hugs but... I—I mean I guess I don't mind giving you one" then she'll blush like mad and give me a hug. It's the cutest and most adorable thing in the world, I really do— wait. Wait, I—I really like her. I really like, like her! I like. Her. I hear her answer before the second ring.

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