Introduction to Bumblebee

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Y/n goes over to Charlie's to make a move and sees her with Bumblebee.

Thank you for 5k! I love you all so much this is honestly so incredible! Thank you for amazing support <3



Y/n's POV:

I just got to do it— I just... I have to do it, otherwise, she's gonna be hanging out with Memo and no offence to him but I do not see them as a couple. Friends? Fine. But nothing more. And! If we're doing the whole 'I saw her first thing' then I've been liking her since 2nd grade, so, hey! I mean I only noticed that Memo started to like Charlie Watson over the summer. He probably doesn't even know much about her, fucking tithead. 

Okay! Okay! Anyway! I just need to knock, ask if I can come in! If we can talk! Start a friendship with her, and hopefully then take her out on a date and tell her how I feel. I look around and see Memo shut his front door and come out, taking a huge breath before turning around and coming toward the house. Oh, hell no. I got here first! I quickly knock on the door and I hear loud movements and go to open the door in case anything happened and when I do, holy shit! It's—It's a... what is that? I see Charlie and the... robot? Turn to me, as if they had gotten caught doing something they weren't supposed to do.

"WHAT THE—?!" 

"No! No! He's completely harmless! Completely friendly!" Charlie rebuttals, she quickly shuts the door and pulls me, sitting me down. "Please don't tell anyone! If you do, I'm—" She hesitates for a second, "I'm gonna have to run you over with my car..." She threatens. I look at her shocked and confused.

"What? Why you're car?" I ask her,

"...I mean it nicely." She tells me, I run my hand through my hair, 

"What... is, uhm, he? Did you say?" I ask her, she nods her head and we both look over and he's staring at me before turning to Charlie. 

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?" She asks me, I swallow the lump in my throat. I can't believe this is happening, right now. I nod my head and take a deep inhale in before exhaling.

"Yes. I promise." I tell her, she nods her head and turns to the Robot.

"Okay, you can stay like that, Bee. Just too us, okay? No one else." She informs him, Bee gives her a thumbs up and a head nod before he walks over and points at me. "He wants to know who you are." She tells me excitedly, glancing between the two of us intently.

"M—Me? Oh, uhm," I turn to him and smile lightly, "I'm Y/n L/n. I'm turning 18 in a few weeks." I say introducing myself, he nods his head and turns to Charlie.

"I'll do it for you, bud." She tells him, he nods his head and moves back as his robot hands connect. He glances between the two of us, waiting for Charlie to speak up. "Well... this... is a car— well, no, he's not just a car... as you can see but he's a Yellow VW and I named him Bumblebee. Bee for short." She explains to me, I nod my head.

"C—Can I call him Bee? Or does he want me to call him Bumblebee for now until he feels more... comfortable?" I ask her, she turns to him and he nods his head intently.

"You can call him Bee." She answers, I nod my head.

"Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool." I quickly say and look around, "At least I'm not getting murdered today." I breath out, hearing a light laugh. I turn to see Charlie laughing. 

"So, what's up? How come you came over?" She asks me, I go to speak but pause before turning to her.

"I, um, I wanted to see how you were." I explain to her, she nods her head lightly, and grins at this. 

"Oh, I'm okay." She answers and nods her head, "Are you?" 

"Yeah, I just... okay, look, I was wondering if we could be... friends?" I suggest, she looks at me confused.


"Yeah." I say, "Is that a bad idea? I—I can go if you want— I'll go..." I say and go to stand up but she clears her throat, I turn to her,

"It's fine. I don't mind." She grins out, "I've actually wanted to be friends for a while." She grins out, looking away from me and itching the back of her head. I look at her hopefully,

"Really?" I ask her excitedly, she looks over at me and nods her head.

"Yeah..." She admits, quietly. I stand up at this and head over to her, I offer a high five.

"H—High five." I tell her, she laughs at this walks over to Bee, he goes into his car form and the doors open, she turns to me.

"Bee wants to go for a drive, want to join?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Hell yeah!" I grin out and stand up, heading toward the car and get inside, Charlie opens the garage door and then gets inside the car. She shuts the door and I shut mines, both of us putting our seatbelts on and she reverses out of the garage and starts to drive away; I look to see Memo missing. Ha! Fucking tithead shoulda came here sooner. Missed your chance, asshat. She starts driving around and glances at me here and there, "What's up?" I ask her, she glances over at me confused. "You keep glancing at me, what's up?" I ask her, she sighs lightly.

"I just... I didn't think that you'd build up the courage to come and talk to me." She expresses to me, "I've seen you around before, especially at the boardwalk." She explains to me, I nod my head.

"I always go as my sister always wants to go on the rides and get a hot dog." I explain to her, she turns to me.

"Do you go a lot?" She asks me, I shrug lightly.

"Oh, um, some—some people may say so. Yes." I attempt to answer, she chuckles at this.

"Some people?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, my sister will say that we don't go enough which is weird as we go almost every single day, sometimes depends if I have enough gas but... yeah." I answer, nodding my head lightly. "D—Do you work weekdays? Or weekends?" I ask her,

"Sometimes both, I'll not work the Friday but I'll work the Saturday, Sunday." She explains to me. I hum at this lightly, I should probably get a better job since where I'm working is giving me lower than minimum wage. I think anyway, as I've heard my friends say that they're on minimum wage and they earn more than me. Plus, I don't like my job. And I have enough that I can leave, it's not like anything is stopping me from quitting. 

"This is so much fun!" I grin out, looking out the window.

"Wanna see something cool?" She offers, I turn to her and she removes her hands the wheel and Bee takes control, 

"Woah!" I let out, excited. She grins at this and suddenly, the chairs fall and lie us down, pushing us together, "Holy shit! This is so cool!" I let out, looking around before I turn to see Charlie smiling at me, 

"It is, isn't it?" She grins out, blushing lightly.

"Are you blushing—?"

"No. Shut up." She tells me, I laugh at this.

"Whatever you say, Watson." I hum out, both of us not moving as Bee wouldn't move us back, "Uh, Bee?" I call on him, 

"Can you let us up?" She questions, romantic music starts playing and we both turn to each other, blushing like crazy.


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