Quiet Lover

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Hailee is popular and everyone wants to hook-up or be friends with her while her secret girlfriend, Y/n, is much more quieter, chill and got the perfect grades. Not many people know about the two being together.



Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting in the corner of the cafeteria right now, it's lunch and after this I have Double Physics and as much as I love Physics with Mr Anderson, I would much rather just go home and read one of the books that my 'friend' gave me. The book I'm reading right now is 'Pride and Prejudice' for Literature, it's just extra reading and for some extra-credit so I can assure my passing in that class. I like the teacher as well, Miss Campos (ifykyk), is a really nice teacher and very funny. Always talks to me and doesn't care if you do the word or not.

I hear my only two friends sit in front of me,

"Hey, Y/n." I hear Angel say, I look up and offer a smile.

"Hey, you two." I greet them, glancing between the two as they quickly begin to eat the pizza that school offers, I have to admit; they don't look as bad as they normally do which is something that I am very thankful for. "What chapter are you on of Pride and Prejudice?" I ask them, excitedly. I see Peter's eyes widen at this, my shoulders fall. "Peter..." I let out,

"I'm sorry! I will! I will catch up but you two are so much quicker than me at reading." He complains, Angel laughs at this and nudges him,

"Take that, asshat." Angel teases, Peter rolls his eyes at this. "Anyway, I'm on page 200." She informs me, I nod my head as I'm only a few pages behind. "What about you?" She asks Peter who thinks for a moment,

"...153." He informs us,

"Peter!" We both scold him,

"I know! I know. I will try to catch up to you guys by tomorrow morning." He informs us, I roll my eyes playfully at this, silly Peter. He's always the last one of us but it's cute and funny. Especially seeing him get scolded by Angel, now that? That is hilarious and humorous to watch.

"Do you?" Angel laughs out, "We got assigned that 4 days ago, how are you so far behind?" She questions, he shrugs.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I actually have a life." He says, glaring over at me. My mouth falls open in shock, how dare he? Little asshole.

"I have a life." I rebuttal, crossing my arms as he looks down to see the page that I'm on, his eyes widen at this before he thinks for a moment, probably to think of a comeback. His eyes light up for a second before he speaks up with a smug look.

"Doing what? Pretending you are Miss Elizabeth Bennet?" He asks me, Angel hits his shoulder.

"Hey! She'd be a hot Elizabeth Bennet, put some respect on her name." Angel scolds him, I grin proudly at this.

"Thank you." I hum out, she nods her head and continues to eat while I try to get to page 200. I'm only at page 192, so, I'm not that far off but I have to admit, every two pages feel like 100. So, I can understand why Peter is so far behind. I feel eyes on me and I look around to see the popular table filled with so many people around it. It's honestly so annoying and boring as well as cliché. Now the popular group consists of five people: Dylan Higgins, Alex Andrews - people call him AA like Alcohol Anonymous as he's addicted to Alcohol - Heather Brooks, Rachel Robinson and the main girl of it all, Hailee Steinfeld. The girl every guy and lesbian or bisexual wants, the girl who everyone loves and adores, the one who everyone would literally fight for. The 'it' girl. I don't believe she's the 'it' girl, I believe she's someone normal who had just gotten lucky by her beauty and her smarts to gain popularity because of how multi-talented she is.

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