Party time

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Y/n simps over Kate in the black suit



Kate's POV:

I head inside the party and look around, realising that every worker is wearing an all-black suit, which is what I'm wearing. How convenient. I head toward a free table and stand there as there was no chairs available. Seriously? They can't get a chair? Is chairs just illegal now? The fuck? I want to sit down.

"Kate." I hear my best friend and forever crush, Y/n L/n, greet me. I turn to her and see her wearing a black suit with a white shirt. 

"Y/n." I greet her in the same way as her, she grins at this.

"You look really nice in that suit." She compliments me, I grin at this and she meets my gaze. 

"Do I?"

"Yeah." She answers, I blush at this and face ahead. Trying not to show that I'm blushing.

Y/n's POV:

She looks hot. So, so, so, so hot! How can a girl like Kate Bishop be single? Who fricken knows but hey! I'm hoping to take her off of the market. I just need the courage to make my move and when I make it, hopefully! I will be able to tell her how I feel and if she feels the same way, we can go out on a date which leads to us dating and being a couple. 

"You're not so bad yourself, L/n." I hear her say, lowly. I raise an eyebrow at this,

"That so?"

"Mhmm-hmm. It'd look better on my floor though but this'll do." She confidently says, staring into my eyes and maintaining eye contact with me, 

"I'm sure it would." I say, leaning closer before grabbing a glass of Champaign. I take a sip and move back but she snatches it out and takes a sip before groaning and handing it to me,

"Bleh, hate it." She complains, I laugh at this.


"Hey, it's very... I don't know, I just don't like it." 

"I'm with you." I agree with her, she looks around and sighs. "Bored?" I ask her, knowing that she hates these things as they are pretty boring. Not much to do. "Want to play a game?" I ask her, she grins at this and nods her head.


"Want to play the... penis game?" I ask her, (If you know me, you know I love this game) 

"The what?"

"The penis game." I repeat, she looks at me confused, "We start off quiet and whispering but you have to be louder than the other person so say I go: 'Penis'" I whisper, "then you have to say it a little louder and first person to get caught loses." I explain to her, "I say we walk around the party though." I inform her, she nods her head and we start walking around, "Penis." I whisper quietly, walking past some girl who looks at me and I hear Kate snicker at this. I look over at her and once we lock eyes, it was over as we both began to laugh.

"Penis." She lets out, both of us going in different directions but I get quickly pulled in her direction, I try to gain my balance and almost bump into a waiter but lean toward Kate.

"Penis." I say a little louder and quickly pull Kate behind one of the pillars as I knew the waiter would look back and try to talk to me. "Okay, here we go." I whisper and we continue to walk around the party, it was my turn now and I'm really not looking forward to this cause we're near Kate's mom. "Penis." I say quite loud as it echoes a little, everyone turning around and I take a sip of water, a lot of people turning to Kate who tries not laugh and walks away from me, I hear her say it quite loudly before she heads into the bathroom, I snicker at this and after a few minutes; I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Eleanor. "Hi." I greet her,

"Hi. Have you seen Kate?" She asks me,

"Oh, I think she mentioned something about going to the bathroom, I'll go see if she's there." I inform her, "I'll tell her you need her when I find her." I inform her, she rests her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, my saviour." She tells me before removing her hand and walking away; she turns around and I give her the middle finger before heading toward the bathroom.

"Penis!" I shout loudly, trying to sound deeper as I quickly head in and Kate goes to walk out but I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back, "Nope." I let out, laughing. 

"I was coming to—"

"That's what she said." I grin out, setting her on the counter, she laughs at this, hitting my shoulder.

"So inappropriate." Kate giggles out, I smile widely like a little kid showing their parent something they did. "Anyway, as I was saying, I was just coming to tell you that you win. I give up." She says, I throw my fists in the air and do my little victory dance. Happy that I won. 

"I won. You lost! Suck it." I tell her,

"Bet, come here." She says, moving herself off of the counter and pulling me in by my tie. I blush at this. "Someone's blushing—"

"I'm not—"

"You are." She states, moving even closer. Cocky as ever. "It's cute." She tells me, lowering her voice. My smile grows wider,

"I'll— Look, you gotta go, alright?" I tell her, she tilts her head in confusion.

"I do?"

"Yeah, your mom's looking for you." I inform her, she groans at this and rests her head on my shoulder. 

"I don't wanna go! Can you cover for me?"

"Why do I always end up covering for you?" I ask her, she tugs on my jacket, moving me closer to her; her eyes falling from my lips back to my eyes. 

"You like me too much."

"In that suit? Can you blame me?" I ask her, she shakes her head while lowering her head, running her hand through her hair while she moves it toward the side and I lean forward and both of us rest our foreheads against one another; our lips hovering over one another, 

"I don't blame you." She hums out, 

"I'm glad. I'd be upset if you did." I grin out, waiting for her to make some sort of move, yet, she doesn't. She waits for me to do it. I see her struggling to maintain eye-contact with me, "Are you gonna do something or just make me wait?" I ask her, she quickly leans forward and kisses me, I kiss her back and hold her close. She rests her hand on my neck and tugs me closer toward her. The kisses heating up, I pick her up and take her toward the nearest stall, slamming the door shut and locking it then resting her back against the stall door, we break apart for a moment to catch our breath, I kiss her neck and start to mark her neck.


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