Jealousy of a boy

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: heartsforbishop

Summary: Hailee is hanging out with her girlfriend and when Y/n gets angry at her old best mate, they rekindle their friendship and Hailee quickly grows jealous of how touchy Y/n's boy best friend is.

Inspo for the first bit: Sex Education



Y/n's POV:

Me and my girlfriend, Hailee, are at the park sitting on the bench. We're having some lunch right now and she's telling me all about how busy she's gonna be for the next couple of weeks.

"Then after that, I promised my Ella, Anna and Adrian that I would hang out with them." Hailee informs me, I nod my head lightly as I start to disassociate a little bit. I look around for a bit and see someone past her, I narrow my eyes. Is that? That better fucking not be. Holy shit, it fucking is.

"One second." I tell her, standing up and storming toward her. 

"Y/n— Y/n, what's going on—?" I hear Hailee say, I see him stop and open his arms, I continue to storm towards him.

"There she is!" He chuckles out, "I've missed you!" He grins out, I punch him in the face and tackle him to the ground, 

"Y/n!" Hailee calls on me, I hit him again across the face before gripping his jacket.

"Where the fuck have you been, you dickhead?" I shout at him, going to hit him again but I feel Hailee pull me off. He quickly gets up.

"I—" Hailee pushes him, before grabbing his collars.

"What the hell have you done to my girlfriend, asshole?" Hailee protectively asks, me now being the one to move her hand back and place a kiss on her cheek. 

"It's all right, don't hurt yourself." I tell her softly before turning back to him.  "You're a fucking asshole, you know that, don't you." I remind him, being furious all over again.

"I'm sorry, all right? I'm a man, though—"

"Like that makes it any better." I huff out, earning a light laugh from Hailee.

"Hey, the fuck are you laughing at?" He questions, going to move in front of Hailee. I push him back and he falls against a tree, I punch him again.

"Don't fucking go near her, all right?" I shout at him, I go to hit him again but he flinches. Putting his hand up.

"Please, please! All right, sorry." He apologises.

"Y/n, who is this?" Hailee asks me, I glance back at her and she's very confused, I can tell that she is. 

"Sean Thompson." I answer, "We used to be best friends." I explain to her,

"Used too?" Sean questions, pretending to be hurt.

"You ran away when we were fucking 15. I haven't heard from you in 10 years, dingus." I reply, of course he's acting as if he's forgotten, what should've I expected. He rolls his eyes at this as his shoulders fall, looking at me as if he's trying to work something out in his head.

"10s a bit dramatic, no?" He asks, I laugh at this.

"Right, of course." I nod my head, lightly. "My bad." I tell him sarcastically, he grins at this. I kick him in the balls, making him fall to his knees. "That's more like it, good boy." I say before pushing him onto the ground, going to hit him again but Hailee stops me.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now