Cute little moments

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Cute one-shots as I have no idea what to write right now!

Got a little surprise for you all tomorrow ;)



Hailee's POV:

I'm out right now with my friends, Ella; Sophie, Anna and Adrian, we're at some café, all having some coffee and I brought a snack with me as well. I'm not gonna lie though, I miss my girlfriend— I miss her so much. If I'm honest, I just want to see her; hang out with her, be in her presence, hug her, cuddle into her. Everything.

Somethings seems off with the four though, they are very smiley which is very nice but at the same time, I'm kinda curious on why their all so happy and smiley.

"You excited?" Ella asks me, with a wide smile as if she couldn't contain it, I look at her confused.

"It's just a café" I reply, confused, glancing at everyone, realising their eyes are all on me. "What is—? What is happening right now?" I question, confused. Making them life. "I feel like a cult is in front of me right now, my god." I joke, glancing at all of them as I take a sip of my coffee, I swallow and set it back down. "What is happening—?"

"Hailee." I hear a deep voice say behind me, shaking me. I scream at this and turn around to see my beautiful girlfriend laughing her head off.

"Wh— how—? What?" I let out, looking around at everyone, before standing up and hugging her tightly. She laughs at this.

"I'm sorry, darling. I'll make it up to you." She laughs out, kissing my head. I rest my head on her chest as she rubs my arm. "I can hear your heartbeat, the fuck..." She lets out, making me laugh, I pull away and hit her arm. "Ow..."

"Well, don't do that then." I scold her, she laughs at this.

"But it was funny." She lets out, stealing my seat.

"Wha—? Hey, that's my seat—"

"Hey, guys." Y/n speaks in a girly tone, "How we all doin', we alright babes? You look fantastic love, I'm McLoving it, gal." She says, looking over at me, I hit her arm at her childishness and sit down on her lap, she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her chin on my shoulder. "I missed you." She tells me, I look over at her with a smile and she just smiles widely before crossing her eyes. "Oh—oh, am I doing it? The—The one eye... thingymajiggy?" She asks me, I laugh at this and place a kiss on her cheek.

"You're doing it perfectly, love." I tell her, she smiles at this and just looks at me normally and grins,

"Yay." She lets out, holding me close to her. I'm glad she's here, the fact that she flew across the country just to see me is so cute, I kiss her cheek and hold onto her tighter.


Y/n's POV:

Me and Hailee are up and wide awake - the time currently being 3am - and we're just lying in bed right now, talking about anything and everything with music on in the back ground. Taking turns in playing a song, most of our favourite songs being replayed or stuck in our heads. She has her head rested on my lap.

"Okay, okay, but! But! Listen to this idea, how about... Stranger Things is doing like a Harry Potter thing, you know? Like I feel like Eleven needs to die, Eddie's coming back as a Vampire and they have to fight whatever monster that Will drew and showed Mike." I express to her, she gasps at this and nods her head lightly. Humming to herself.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now