Forgotten 3

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A/N: Kate x Reader





Y/n's POV:

"We got in." I state, she nods her head and starts jumping around excitedly, "Wanna go celebrate?" I ask her, offering my hand. She takes it and places a kiss on my cheek,

"Can we invite our friends?" She asks me, I nod my head and place a kiss on her forehead.

"We can do whatever, just go turn your laptop off and come back to me with that wide smile on your face." I grin out, she blushes at this and hesitates to move before she turns back and heads toward her bed and turns her stuff off, she walks toward me and takes my hand, directing me inside. She sits me over at her bed while she gets changed and I just wait for her patiently and turn around when she took her t-shirt off. I feel Kate place a kiss on my cheek and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm ready." She tells me, I grin at this and turn to her.

"You excited?" I ask, starting to walk toward the stairs, she laughs at this and nods her head lightly.

"I'm so excited! We've all been so worried about you." Kate expresses to me, clinging onto my arm which I don't mind, I've went a few days without her; I will take all and any affection she gives me. I missed her so much. We're on the elevator and I get an incoming call from Happy, I quickly answer.


"Y/n, where are you? I just arrived at Kate's apartment to drive you, where are you?" Happy asks me, I chuckle at this lightly and kiss Kate's temple.

"We're just on our way down, I'll be right there, Happy." I grin out, I hear a sigh of relief.

"Okay, okay, just... hurry up, all right?"

"We're on our way, don't you worry." I assure him, he hangs up and I put my phone in my pocket, smiling at Kate. She smiles widely. "You okay?" I ask her, she nods her head, looking at me with a wide smile. 

"I'm just glad to see you, you were gone for what felt like months." She complains, I think about how much time we spent apart from each other and I never want to go through that with her, I never want too. 

"I know, I hated every minute of being away from you." I express to her, running my hand up from her neck to her cheek and pulling her in for a kiss, she kisses me back, as she melts toward me, I wrap an arm around her waist.


We get out the car and say bye to Happy before going in to see Peter and Ned sitting and talking to MJ, they turn toward the door and I see all their faces drain before they all light up.

"You're back!" MJ exclaims first, rushing around, however Peter beats them before everyone else, hugging me. Ned hugs into the side of me and MJ moves to the right to hug into me. I wrap my arms around all of them and we have a group hug.

"Where've you been? What—? How—?" 

"Doctor Strange, it's a long story. Long story." I explain, cutting Peter off short. He sighs in relief and continues to hug me.

"Never do that again!" MJ scolds me, hitting my arm as everyone starts to pull away after 3 minutes of silence and awkward apologises whenever a customer came inside.


"I don't care if that hurt, you scared us all." MJ continues to scold me,

"Scold me later and right now just give me a hug, all right?" I tell her, she rolls her eyes and stares me down for a minute; we have a staring competition before she just huffs and hugs me, I grin at this and pull her closer. Hugging her. We all start to sit down and MJ quickly does a few things before moving in front of us and I start to explain everything, "And—And there was Wanda... and I had to fight her off - which I didn't think I'd have to do, but I did and it worked - we... we also had to destroy this book— it was just... it was crazy, it was weird but I'm glad to be back and with my friends and all of us going to MIT." I grin out, glancing at everyone with big smiles.

"I think this calls for celebratory dinner." Kate grins out, we all turn to her in surprise. "Once MJ's done her shift, of course." She adds which I chuckle at, I place a kiss on her temple, resting my hand on her thigh. 

"I'd like that." I agree, turning to Ned and Peter, "What about you three?" I say, glancing at the three. They all glance at one another, before nodding and agreeing.

"Yeah, sure."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Hmm, my Lola said that she was excited— oh, wait, that's tomorrow." Ned hums out, starting to mumble, "Uh, yeah, yeah, I'd like that!" Ned grins out, nodding his head with a smile.

"Great! Um, I will see you all at Dons after your shift? On me?" I ask everyone, looking around while everyone agrees, "Great!" I grin out. We continue to talk before MJ has to work and Kate starts her shift, I brought some school work that I missed so I'm at the counter, paying for food.

"Hmm, babe." I hear Kate start, as she moves over and leans on the counter, while looking at me. I continue to type while looking at her.


"Everyone left, how come your still here?" She asks me, tilting her head slightly.

"Well, I have homework to do and I need quiet space. What place better than where my girlfriend works." I express to her, she smiles at this and places a kiss on my cheek,

"Normally, I'd tell them to fuck off but because your cute, you get a free pass." She tells me, pointing at me. I laugh at this lightly and nod my head,

"Wow, how lucky I am." I hum out, as I stop typing and just look at her. 

"My break starts in 10, we can go do our usual stuff." She explains to me, what she means is that is make out in the bathrooms and make people feel lonely while we just be happy as it's very amusing to us. A customer comes in and she walks over, greeting the person and starting to take their order, I turn back to my laptop and continue to write before I hear the door open and see Peter and Ned back with Lego's as they go over to a table, order coffee and start to build the Lego. I chuckle at this, but also a little jealous as they are all caught up with their work but sadly I'm not. However, I did miss the little losers, so, I'm glad to see them happy.


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