"Show my face?"

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

Summary: Y/n always wears a mark (Think of Bucky's mask that covers the lower half of his face - not the goggles - in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) and no one has seen her full face ever, no one even knows her real name apart from a certain archer but apart from that, everyone knows her as 'Spectre' and when Y/n, Kate, and Yelena are on a mission, Yelena thinks it's funny to tease her.

INSPO: MW2, Ghost. Ifykyk



Y/n's POV:

I'm walking down the street with my hands in my pockets and wearing my mask as I'm heading down toward an alleyway. I've been sent on a mission to hunt down this guy, his name is 'Blair Basset' more known by his last name than his first, barely anyone knows it. However, I do since it got put on his profile, I head down into a building, heading up the back stairs with my pocketknife at the ready and my pistol with a silencer ready for use. I head up to the 3rd floor, knocking on the door before moving to the side. The door opens, a guy peaks his head out and I chuck a throwing knife at him, 

"Shepard?" I hear one of his mates calling on him, "Shep, you there?" He shouts, his voice rough and groggy, the man steps outside, gasping, I wrap my arm around his neck. Stabbing his chest. Pulling out my pistol and heading inside, pointing it toward anyone who was still inside. I see no one. I point the gun at the guy's head, shooting. I push him off of me, letting his body fall.

"Spectre, do you copy?" I hear Yelena's voice over the earpiece,

"This is Spectre." I answer in reply, my voice deep and hoarse, grabbing the guy's assault rifle and kicking open a door, aiming my gun at a guy, I dodge their knife attack. Grabbing their arm. I kick them, flipping them onto their stomach. I shoot once to the head. "What's up?" I ask her, heading into the bathroom and searching to see no one.

"Are you in position?"

"Not yet." I answer, "Still searching for Kharihm." I add in response, heading out of the room, searching the rest of the apartment yet nothing, I head out, peaking my head out of the apartment, seeing no one. Good. I begin to head toward the stairs, slowly walking up and checking up the stairs as I move up. "This is Spectre, heading toward 4th." I inform Yelena, hearing her sigh.

"Cleared the floor."


"What can I say? I'm good with my sniper." She replies, with a wide smile. I chuckle lowly.

"Mind clearing out the other floors then, your highness?" I ask her, heading up past 4th. She chuckles softly,

"Don't think I'm that fast—"

"—Your Yelena Belova, make it fast." I state, earning a soft chuckle, as I head past the 5th floor, I hear the shots from across the building where Yelena is, I head into the 7th floor, busting open the door. Shooting one. Then another. Dodging a body and protecting myself with a dead body, I shoot the person who flung himself toward me. He dies. I shoot the guy I'm holding in the head for good measure, I chuck him to the wall, heading toward the window; seeing Yelena, she waves. I chuckle softly, waving back. "Good work, Belova."

"Good work, Spectre. Now, I see 3 on the roof." She informs me, 

"How many on the stairs?" I ask her, hearing footsteps becoming more and more close, I sit down on a rocking chair, waiting for them to come down. 

"Stand by." She tells me, using her night vision and chuckling softly, "Can you handle 7?"

"I can handle more." I answer in reply, "We got a total of 10." I let out, shooting the first guy who came in. Quickly moving behind the chair. I flip over the wood coffee table, hiding behind it. I peak, shooting one. Then another. Yelena shoots one, right between the eyes. "Perfect shot." I say, with a low chuckle, shaking my head lightly. 

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