Nothing but Trouble 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Y/n's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night to feeling moving about in my bed, I lie on my back and rub my eyes before opening them, I sit up to see Hailee stood still in panic. Her eyes widen as the door shuts.

"Haiz, you alright?" I ask her, she shakes her head. I stand up and move in front of her, "What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you sick—?"

"Y/n— Y/n, I'm fine. I just can't sleep." She tells me, resting her hands on my cheeks as her forehead rests against mines. I wrap my arms around her.

"How come you can't sleep?" I question, she shrugs.

"I don't know, I put your hoodie on but it didn't work. I need you." She tells me, I smile at this and place a kiss on her cheek and take her hand directing her to my bed, I open the covers for her and lie down, she crawls on top of me and cuddles into me; pulling the covers over on top of us, I untangle our hands together and wrap my arms around her waist while she tucks her head into my neck, "Can we talk about something?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly.

"Sure." I agree, she grins at this and sits up, straddling my waist. I rest my hands on her thighs and move them up and down lightly, noticing her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"What's... gonna happen...? When I go back to LA? We haven't exactly talked about it." She expresses to me, "And I just... thought I should ask." She continues onto say, I sit up, letting my chest go first and I continue to have my hands on her thighs, moving back and forth lightly, hoping to bring her some comfort.

"I'm not exactly sure but what I do know is that we are going to be just fine." I express to her, "We can figure it out closer to the time but I just want to spend as much time with you," I continue onto say, hoping that we can just shove that thought out of our minds. "can we do that?" I ask her, speaking quietly as I don't want to wake anyone up. She nods her head lightly,

"Yeah... yeah, sure..." She agrees, I nod my head and I go to lay back down but Hailee pulls me back up, "hey, I want a kiss." She tells me, I smile at this and sit up a little bit, I place a kiss on her lips and feel Hailee move closer to me if that was even possible, I flip us around and lie her down on the bed, continuing to kiss her, I rest my left hand on her waist while my right hand keeps me up. I pull away and start to leave a trail of kisses down to her neck, kissing delicate open-mouthed kisses on her neck. I feel her back arch toward me as I hear her let out a light moan, I pull away and look at Hailee in surprise. She covers her face with her hands, as her back rests against the sheets, "I—I am so sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it just slipped out—"

"I—I thought it was hot." I admit to her, placing a kiss on her head. "It was hot, you don't have to apologise." I express to her, she removes her hand slightly and looks at me in surprise.

"You—You really think so?" She asks me, shyly, I nod my head and start to shower her with kisses, seeing her blush. I stop and continue to look at her, smiling widely.

"I know so, but that's not what I focus on. Not with you." I express to her, placing a kiss on each of her cheekbones, she blushes at this and I resume my delicate open-mouthed kisses on her neck, I find her sweet spot and earn a light whine as her lower body rolls toward me, I drag my lips down, noticing I left a little bit of a mark but one that could be hidden easily. I move down to her lower neck and feel Hailee's hand move through my hair and slightly grip my hair, as I continue. I pull away and slowly move down, moving her hoodie up and placing a kiss on her stomach, I feel Hailee's legs sort've come to a close as she fixes her position with a slight uncomfortable expression, I think I know what's going on with her. "Is everything okay?" I ask her, placing a kiss on her lower stomach, as I look up at her, she nods her head and I notice her shift in her place once again. I grin at this and notice her swallow the lump in her throat, I place a kiss on her thighs before crawling back up and hovering over her, "Hailee, is everything okay?" I ask her, tilting my head as I hover my lips over hers, she whimpers at this and nods her head, resting her right hand on my neck; trying to pull me closer toward her, "Words." I tell her, as I'm not a mind reader. Well, I know what she wants but it's fun to tease her, she rolls her eyes.

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