Race Against Griffin

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: EmiVegaMoya

Summary: Y/n has a race with Griffin and Hailee's there to support the two.

I know slim to nothing on racing so I'm simply just gonna do Hailee's POV only for this as I really don't have a single clue about racing at al.



Hailee's POV:

Me, my mom and my dad arrive at the racing track for my girlfriend, Y/n, and my brother, Griffin, race today! I'm so excited as even though they'll be racing against one another - which they've done hundreds of times in their 5 years of friendship - they are excited to just be with each other. Y/n's family couldn't make it and she told me how she isn't bothered by it but I can tell that it is bothering her a little bit. I follow my mom and dad to Griffin's section as we're gonna see him and Y/n because apparently Y/n's with Griffin and the two are nerding out about cars like they always do.

"You excited for the race, Honey?" I hear my mom, Cheri, ask me; I look up from my phone and smile, nodding my head.

"Yeah! Y/n and Griffin have been so excited, I swear Y/n got like an hour of sleep since she couldn't help her excitement, it was so adorable." I inform the two, making them laugh.

"Well, I'm sure that the two will do good." My dad, Pete, express to me and my mom; I nod my head in agreement as it's probably true.

"So! Who're we betting comes first, second and third?" I ask the two, glancing between. "Loser buys dinner?" I question, making the two laugh.

"You wish." Pete replies, laughing lightly as he places a kiss on my head. I grin at this and we continue to walk over to Griffin's pit. When we arrive, I sneak up behind Y/n and scare her causing her to flinch at the scare but quickly turn around with an emotionless expression. I laugh at this.

"I'm sorry, but hi!" I greet her, opening my arms.

"Hello." She grins out, hugging me and I hug her back. "You excited for the race?" She asks me, pulling away from the hug but keeping her hands on my waist. I nod my head and rest my forehead against hers.

"I'm so excited! You're gonna do great, I just know it." I hum out, she hums at this and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you." She hums out, rubbing my back before I greet Griffin and Y/n greets my parents, talking to them. We all start to talk and continue to discuss about the race. The people did their check-ups on the cars to see if it's good enough to race and both Griffin and Y/n's car passed with flying colours.

"I'm so excited." Griffin grins out, as he high fives Y/n with a wide smile.

"Same! I feel like I haven't raced in forever." She expresses to me and Griffin while my parents are away getting some chips as the chips here are amazing. The music playing was also a bit of a bop, me and Y/n are just dancing and Griffin's dancing by himself which is amusing to me and Y/n. She spins me around and moves me in front of her as she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her chin on my shoulder, her hands moving from my stomach slowly to my waist; placing a kiss on my cheek. I blush at this and turn to her, kissing her. She kisses me back and hums when we pull away. "I like that kiss, I want another." She tells me, puckering her lips. I laugh at this and look over at Griffin who is crossing his arms and looking very lonely. If this was anyone else, he would be breaking it up and very protective but because him and Y/n were friends way before anything happened between me and her, he didn't mind as he trusted her. Plus, she hasn't ditched him so he's just glad to still have her as a friend. I turn back to her and give her the same kiss as before, feeling her pull away after a moment and shiver. "Eee, giving me the heebie-jeebies." She tells me, I laugh at this and place a kiss on her cheek before hugging Griffin.

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