⚠️"You were the best part"⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: haileeandmartini

Summary: Y/n has a couple of weeks left to live, she meets Hailee at school. They don't get along at first but grow as friends and soon lovers then when Y/n finally tells Hailee about her medical condition and how much time she has left to live, they spend as much time as they can.

I have not cried as much over a one-shot before so enjoy this absolute torture.

⚠️TW⚠️: Depression, ED, Suicidal Thoughts



Y/n's POV:

I'm walking down the corridor with my limp as per usual, nothing much different about my limp. Still there which is annoying. I don't even know what's wrong with me. I gave up trying to find out after the 15th doctor appointment and when we did find out, I had no care in the world what happened to me. So, apparently I've got a handful of weeks left. Just great.

I walk down the corridor and turn the corner, feeling someone bump into me, I drop my bags and huff at this.

"Thanks for that." I huff out, I lean down and pick it up. Once I stand back up I see the girl glaring at me.

"Well, it wasn't my fault, was it?" The girl replies rudely. I roll my eyes at this.

"Whatever." I groan out, limping away and making my way to class. I can't be bothered with people at all. I just want to be in Heaven or hell. Or just be a ghost, float around. Be in a house and live in solitude. Not be disturbed. Not be bothered.


I walk into the classroom and see the girl who bumped into me a few days ago, sitting next to where I sit; when the bloody hell did she move into this class? I limp my way over and sit down, I put my headphones in and have one out, making sure it's the one on my right as the girl is on my left. I play my favourite songs.

"All right, we're just gonna quickly do registration." The teacher, Mr Sammons, announces to everyone in class after a couple of minutes and everyone is here. He goes through the registration, he calls my name and I answer then a couple names later, "Hailee Steinfeld?" He calls on,

"Here." The girl beside me answers, doodling in her jotter. Hailee? That's a nice name. Just wish she wasn't a bitch. "What?" I hear her ask me, I realise that I've been staring at her, I move my head down and look at my lap.

"Sorry." I mumble quietly.

"Whatever." She sighs out.


I'm walking into the library and gain the normal stares that I always do when I go literally anywhere which I don't do very much, I hate school honestly but the library? I really like the school's library. Very dark academia. I head to the very back of the library, lower myself down in between to aisles, I sit on the ledge of the window - that was shut sadly, otherwise, I would've jumped without a second thought - I open my bag, grab my book that I'm reading and simply read as I skip my least favourite class, I put headphones in as I don't want to be bothered simply. I start to enjoy the company of the book, the words brought warmth to me that no other real human in front of me could provide.

After what feels like 20 minutes, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look over to see the Hailee girl, I huff at this and pause my music, I take one headphone off and look at her. I was really in the zone.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now