"Ooh, better than me?"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summry: Something happens between Y/n and Hailee where they both feel as though they are going to kiss but when something goes south, Hailee tried to distract herself with someone new however Y/n seems to stay in her mind.



Hailee's POV:

I hear a knock on my door and get up, walking over and opening it after unlocking it to see my best friend, Y/n L/n. We've been friends for 11 years. 11. Years. I see her smile at me and grin to myself,

"Hey, Steinfeld." She greets me, removing her shoulder off of the doorframe.

"Hey, L/n." I reply, hugging her, she hugs me back and after that; I let her in, shutting the door behind her. "Wanna watch a movie?" I offer, knowing she'll say yes.

"Oooh, can we?" She asks, turning to me. I smile at this and nod my head.

"Of course." I agree. We head over to the couch, "Oh, you want anything to drink?"

"Are you an option?" Y/n jokes, her voice lowering and raspy, she looks at me in surprise; resting her hand on her chest, "What the hell." She lets out, I laugh at this.

"I might be," I reply, she moves her arm around me and pulls me onto the couch, I laugh at this and hug into her as we pick a movie together; deciding that we would watch Divergent, apparently it was good and Y/n had heard good stuff about it from her friend. One that I... may be a little jealous of. I have a reason to though! She's all Y/n talks about, and I hate it. "so," I start, turning to her as I'm still in her comfortable arms. She looks over at me and a smile immediately appears on her lips which makes my heart flutter— woah, hold on? "how've you been?" I ask her, turning my body toward her as I now straddle her waist. Her back resting against the arm rest.

"Not bad, not bad." She hums out, nodding her head, with a light smile. "Just been relaxing, talking to Jayden." Here we go again, fuck.

"Oh... cool..." I nod my head, Y/n's eyebrow raises and pulls me closer to her, I rest my head on her chest.

"What's wrong, Haiz?" She asks me, running her hand through my hair and rubbing my back with her other hand.

"Nothing." I answer, bluntly. Y/n chuckles at this lightly. "What?" I ask her, looking over at her.

"You're mad, can I know why?" She asks me, I think for a moment.

"It's nothing," I dismiss, turning back to the TV, but I feel a hand move around my neck and move my head up to look at her, I blush at this and she just smiles at me.

"Hailee, you can tell me anything." She assures me, I go to speak but she cuts me off, "I mean it, I just want to know so I can make you feel better." She continues on to say, I go to speak but sigh.

"I'm fine." I let out,


"I am!" I rebuttal, Y/n looks at me in surprise since I'm never normally the time to shout at her. "I—I'm sorry..." I mumble. Turning my body toward her, her hand continues to rest on my neck and her other hand is no longer on my back, it's by her side. Her hand moves to the back of my neck where she offers a light smile,

"I know, you don't have to apologise." She dismisses, I go to speak. "I know, you don't have to apologise, Haiz." She dismisses again, I sigh and rest my head on her chest again. I feel her shuffle around and when I look over at her, I notice her face right in front of mines, both of us looking into each other's eyes while our lips are inches away from one another. "O—Oh, sorry." She mumbles out, moving away and clearing her throat, I just stay there for a moment before forcing my eyes shut and simply wanting to slap myself; that was my chance to finally kiss her, the girl that I have a crush on, a crush that's lasted about 4 months.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now