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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee is dating Leprechaun Boy and while Y/n has a crush on her, she finally starts trying to "date" someone new and when she "does", it causes Hailee to be jealous, realising her feelings, they both start to make each other jealous when Leprechaun Boy asks Y/n and her girlfriend for a double date.



Y/n's POV:

Hailee is having a rave on her boyfriend, talking about how much she likes him and how much she thinks that he's the one. This is so dumb honestly, I've liked her for 3 years now and before they even got together, we were always flirting with one another. I honestly thought that I was making progress then! The little shit, out of fucking nowhere as if he's Houdini, she tells me that they are dating and have been talking for a while?! A WHILE! 

I feel used. Because she literally told me that he got jealous when me and her were joking around so she tried to push more of it, the fuck? You might be thinking. Yes. I fucking agree.

"He's just... He's just so funny! You know? And—And he's got this great smile! He's just—"

"Perfect." I finish for her, she hits my arm.

"Yeah! Yeah, see? This is why you get me." She states proudly, I nod my head as I continue to watch the TV. I start to daydream and just doze off a little while Hailee continues to talk about Niall and just how fucking perfect he is. I hate this. I hate him. I'm kinda pissed off at her for even thinking that dating him was a smart idea. I have nothing but love for her but this is just so stupid, you know? It's crazy. I get a text from my best friend Lexi, I read the text.

"You gotta come see this." She then sends me her location, 

"Code Teal. 

"Code. TEAL!"


"CODE. TEAL!" She sends me one after the other. 

"Who's blowing up your phone?" I hear Hailee ask me, I turn to her and she's glancing between me and my phone. Looking a little angry.

"It's just Lexi. I gotta run, alright? We can continue this over the phone or some shit, yeah?" I ask her, standing up.

"Hey, wha—? What? What're you doing?" She asks me as I go to open the door, Hailee rushing after me.

"It's a bad emergency, I gotta go."

"No hug?"

"I'll return the favour some other time." I explain to her before heading out and shutting the door behind me. I head out toward the elevator and text Lexi back.

"On my way!" I text her.


I arrive at where Lexi wants me to meet her and I see her sitting down, I jump over the barrier and sit down across from Lexi.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I ask her, worriedly. She shakes her head lightly,

"I don't... know." She says before pulling out her phone, it's a text messages between her and Niall and Niall is being possessive and talking about how he wants me to back off and shit, it's weird. 

"This couldn't have been sent over a text?" I ask her, starting to laugh. She shrugs lightly,

"I panicked! I—I didn't know what to do." She laughs out, I take pictures of it and lean back in my chair afterwards, "What were you doing before?"

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now