Helping Clint and Kate 2

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A/N: Kate x Reader

People wanted a part two! So...



Y/n's POV:

I got out my suit and into some clothes, I really need my glasses back because I have a test tomorrow and I am ready for it. I leave the room and look around to try and find a bag to hide my suit, I should really invest in nano-technology. I swear, I really need nano-tec. I might need to work on it for a bit but I don't mind— well, I do have a test tomorrow, so, I need to work on that but I can work on the nano-technology while revising.

"Looking for something?" I hear Kate ask me, I turn to her, standing up and see her smiling while her arms are crossed; I nod my head, "What're you looking for?" She asks me, 

"A bag. To hide my suit." I answer, she nods her head.

"Okay, give me a sec and I'll give you one." She informs me, I grin at this.

"Thanks, Kate." I thank her, she shrugs for a moment before turning around and heading toward the room where she got changed.

"It's fine." She dismisses, I wait for her to come back and she hands me a bag, both of us putting my suit in there. "It looks so cool!" She tells me, with a massive smile on her face. I chuckle at this, nodding my head.

"Might need to do a few upgrades as well as get nano-tec." I explain to her, she looks at me confused, "It's like where you don't have to put on the suit, you just mentally say a word to trigger the suit to cover you." I explain to her, she nods her head as her mouth falls into a 'O' shape,

"Oh! Alright, that sounds so cool!" She lets out, I nod my head at this and zip up the bag. 

"I gotta go find my bag so, I can get my glasses." I inform her, "I'll be back soon." I tell her, she nods her head and as I go to head out, I feel her hand rest on my arm,

"Hey, be safe, okay?" She tells me, I nod my head; grinning at this,

"I promise, I'll be right back." I tell her, she nods her head, letting out a sigh of relief; I then leave the room then the apartment, I head toward the bridge where everything went down and I head into the alleyway where I went earlier, I look around and find my bag of clothing and my glasses! Yay! I also find EDITH which was relieving. I need to start putting her somewhere safe instead of just carrying them around, it's a bad habit of mines, I head out and put the bag on my back while I put my glasses on and run my hands through my hair to get it out of my face; I look around while heading back to the apartment just to make sure that no one was following me, I like to be aware of my surroundings. I sneak back into my apartment to get my stuff and when I go to leave, I see two people waiting for me.

"Hello... Spider-Woman." He states, with a smug look on his face. I look at them confused,

"What'd you call me?" I ask him, 



"Spider. Woman."

"Who's that?" I ask him, pretending to be oblivious.

"We know it's you!" His partner exclaims, I laugh at this.

"Yes, I can shoot web fluid out of my body— bitch, please. I've got better things to imagine in my day." I inform the two, walking past them and shaking my head. "God, crazy people." I let out, hoping that they will continue to shut up.

"Fine, we'll just go find and kill your little girlfriend, Kate Bishop." One of them mentions, I stop at this and turn to him, walking toward him; I kick him backwards and when he stumbles backwards; I web him toward me and spin kick him in the face knocking him out, I see the other guy, trying to run but I web him towards me and do the same, both of them being knocked out. I pick them up and put them in a dumpster cause why not then head off back toward the apartment and fixing my glasses. I head back toward the apartment where Clint and Kate were staying at. I look around and see a few of the tracksuit mafia members and start running home to warn them, I head into an alleyway and crawl up the wall and head into the window and web the window open. I crawl inside and I shut the door behind me and crawl over toward the living room and sneak up behind Kate. I crawl on the ceiling and shoot a web at her drink out of her hand and to me, 

"Hey, what the—? Y/n? How—... you're on the roof!" She chuckles out, I shrug lightly before moving my body to dangling and I have one hand on the roof, "How're you doing that?"

"It's part of my powers. Can climb on walls and... stuff..." I explain to her, laughing lightly at her reaction which was so cute and adorable.


"Yeah." I confirm, "But I might go have to use my Fabricator." I explain to her, dropping down. She looks at me confused,

"Fabricator?" She questions, I nod my head.

"I'm just down the hall, come with me." I tell her, dropping down. I take her to my apartment and go to my room and press the button after removing the tarp, 

"Woah..." I hear Kate breathe out,

"It can analyse, design, construct basically anything. I can even create a new suit any time I want." I explain to her, she chuckles at this.

"Wo-ah-woah. That is so cool!" She exclaims, I chuckle at this and I begin to work on my Nano-Technology. "What is this? What're you working on?"

"Nano-Technology." I answer, as I go over and pull out my bag to grab a few of my physics stuff and start to go over some revision while Kate watches and I let her mess around and answer each question.

"Wait, so, why are you doing all this Physics revision if you know more in-depth answers to your questions?" She asks me, I turn to her and go to answer before shrugging.

"I—I don't... I'm not sure, I just thought... I'd do some last minute revision." I explain to her, nodding my head confidently. She chuckles at this,

"What is it like?"


"To, you know, um, swing about town." She elaborates, I hesitate for a moment before shrugging.

"I—I don't... I don't know. It's... fun." I let out, a small scoff following afterwards, I glance back at my work before I hear her speak up again. I turn back to her, "Are you busy right now?" I ask her, she shakes her head.

"No," She shakes her head lightly, "No, you?" She asks me, I shake my head. I look into my closet and find my Red, Black and Gold suit (The No Way Home Suit) and I quickly take my t-shirt off then my jeans and shuffle out of my shoes, trying to get them off almost falling but I manage to gain my balance. I shuffle about into the suit, clanging into things and trying not to trip over, earning a laugh from Kate as I put my mask on, I turn to her. Seeing her red face. "You could've just asked me to leave." Kate informs me, I open my window and stand on the staircases, I help her out and I open my right arm, "What?"

"Climb on." I tell her, she tilts her head. "I'm taking you for a ride while this downloads. Come on." I tell her, she giggles excitedly and wraps her arms around my neck and I rest my hand on her waist and move her closer, our bodies pressing against each other. I smile and move my mask up a little, she quickly kisses me and I kiss her back but she pulls away after a moment. I move the mask up more so she can see my full-face but it covers me from behind. I smile lightly, "Woah." I let out, Kate chuckles at this.

"Yeah." She lets out, "Woah." She continues on to say before letting out a small laugh, I grin at this and look at her lips before looking back into her eyes, she leans in again and I kiss her back, holding her close to me, I go to move and stumble her back into the wall and her legs falter, untangling around my waist, her back slides down the wall and we both end up not leaving and more having fun. We're allowed fun... right?


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