Secret Crush on the Mechanic

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader

Requested by: strongestcoolkid

Summary: Y/n is always bullying Charlie but in secret? She has a crush on her.

Hopefully this turns out alright, I tried as much as I could and I think this is pretty decent, let me know!



Charlie's POV:

I walk into school, awaiting for the special, special greeting I get of my 'friends'. Oh, wait, I don't— I don't have them! And they aren't my friends, they are bullies. Gotta love 'em, right? I have to say, there are a lot more couples than I thought there'd be. I mean summer romance is still there somehow. I don't know how. But it's there.

"Yo, Watson!" I hear someone call on me as I walk past the cafeteria, I huff at this in annoyance. Here we go, not even 20 seconds into this and I'm being called on by the bullies. I turn to them and see all of them with one another. Lemme catch you up, we got 5 people here. We got Michael Smith and Lewis Harrison, they are the nicer bullies yet still sons of bitches. We then have Angel Johnson and Jayden Carter, both girls yes, they are a lot more meaner yet academically smart. You won't get bullied if they are alone but with their friends, they bully and also sort've run this school. Then we have the leader of this group. The main bully. The main freak. The main... prankster. Y/n L/n. I see Angel laughing lightly. They set a formation and Y/n walks herself down and I walk over. "What a lovely day to see you here, freakshow. How's daddy and the car?" Y/n questions, with a wide smile on her face. Her hands connected behind her back. I roll my eyes at this.

"Nice one, L/n. Can I go now?" I ask her, stopping in front of her. She hums and leans close to me,

"I'm not so sure, sweetheart, how 'bout you go tell daddy how you feel?" She teases, tilting her head with a slight smirk as she leans back. I hear her friends laugh, patting her back as she walks on top of her table. "I mean, I may not be cool but at least my dad isn't dead!" She shouts, gaining everyone's attention, "Or throwing shit balls into a laundry basket!" She continues onto say, mocking the basketball team.

"Shut it, freak!" The guy replies, Y/n hums lightly.

"Charming, sunshine. How 'bout you ask your little girlfriend there," She says, moving her right index finger in a circle pointing at the blonde girl, "what she was doing last night, huh, Jason?" She grins out, looking at her with a devilish smirk before jumping down and sitting. "Oh, but how could I forget... so stupid. Lewis, come here bud. Follow me." She speaks, wrapping her arm around him the two stand up and walk over to me. "How could I forget that poor Watson ain't got any money? How dare I for 'bullying' the poor kid." She expresses to me, shaking her head.

"You're a dick!" I shout at her, pushing her back. She quickly returns, close to me.

"Yeah, that's what you seem to like sucking, ain't it, sweetheart?" Y/n asks me, lowering her voice. I try to leave but Lewis stops me,

"Now, now, she ain't finished, are you?" Lewis questions, looking over at Y/n with a smile that I - would in normal circumstances - find charming but now? Not at all.

"No, Lewis, I'm not." She grins out, I turn to her.

"If you have something to say, why don't you just say it?" I ask her, trying to fight back but it's kinda hard when they know how to hurt you.

"Someone likes to play," She slowly hums out, "I wouldn't fight back, it ain't a good look for you."

"Oh, yeah, and it is on you?"

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