⚠️Difficult Eating⚠️

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

⚠️TW⚠️: Eating Disorder, (I think) mention of alcoholism

This is just my experience with eating, I also am not sure if I do have an eating disorder but a lot of people around me have said that I do but because the doctors being them, they said I might have covid which was wrong when i tried to tell them i think i have depression and an eating disorder but they just don't listen at all as i tested negative. So, yeah, this is just my experience. I love you all <3

Summary: Y/n struggles with eating and Nadine helps her out

Here we go!


Nadine's POV:

Me and my girlfriend, Y/n, are sitting on the couch and watching a movie while eating, we got our favourite, Burger King, and I'm so excited! I'm so glad we got one.

I glance at her and see her offer a small smile at me but when I glance to see how much she's eaten, it looks as if she hasn't even touched it.

"You okay?" I hear her ask me, I glance at her and the food then back at her, attempting not to make it obvious that I'm confused on why she isn't eating.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I'm... good." I tell her, she places a kiss on my head, I hear the packet for the chips shuffle and see her take a bite, but a very small bite. "Ar—" I clear my throat, "Are you okay?" I ask her, taking a bite of my burger, she nods her head; taking another tiny bite, continuing to watch the movie, I turn back and try to not look at her but I can't help it. She's barely touching her food.

"I'm full, do you want my chips?" She asks me, I glance at how many is there seeing it's practically full and her chicken nuggets isn't even touched; she's only had the chips, how is she full?

"Oh..." I let out, "you—you sure? You don't wanna try eat some more?" I question, trying not to be rude. She shakes her head,

"I'm really full." She repeats, I nod my head.

"Mhmm... uh, okay. Thanks, baby." I thank her, kissing her cheek and offering a smile; she returns it and faces back to the TV. I take her chips from her, mumbling my 'thank you' and beginning to eat my chips and her chips.

Hmm... how do I mention this without bothering her or triggering her?


I head downstairs to see Y/n picking up a big bag of doritos, two cupcakes, a baguette that has butter, ham, and lettuce on it, and a yogurt.

"Hey, baby. I was just coming." She informs me, I smile at her. Glad to see her eating.

"Hey, you need any help?" I ask her, offering. She shakes her head with a shrug.

"Nah, I got it— wait, I want a drink." She tells me, setting her stuff down and making a drink, I go to open the doritos but she stops me, "Hey, that's mine." She tells me, hitting my hand away.

"Ow! Why'd you hit my hand?" I ask her, holding my hand in pain. She takes my hand and places a kiss on my hand where she hit.

"This is mine. Get your own food." She tells me, holding a water bottle. She grabs all the stuff but something was almost falling. "Can you carry the yogurt and drink for me, please?"

"Only if I get a couple of doritos." I rebuttal, hoping to get at least a couple of doritos. She sighs,

"If I must..." She mumbles, I smile and take the yogurt and water from her as we head upstairs to her room. Us both lying on her bed as she's eating her food and I'm eating some doritos with the mild spice sauce.

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