Meeting at a Concert 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


WOOO! ALSO! Announcement, I will be taking a two day break as I am struggling with ideas as of right now but I do have a few things ready for when I'm back! So, yeah! Anyway!



Hailee's POV:

"Kiss me." I answer, I see her look at me a little taken a back by this, her eyebrow raises in surprise as a slight smirk tugs on her lips that quickly wipes away when I see her eyes fall to the couch, noticing a light pink tint to her cheeks.

"You sure?" Y/n asks me, I nod my head lightly, she shrugs lightly, "All right. If your sure." She agrees, she leans in and places her hand on my neck, I place my hand on her cheek and kiss her, her kissing me back. I feel her quickly move my legs down and move on top of me, I smile at this and feel myself lie down, as she continues to move on top of me, she pulls a part for a moment before our lips collide once again and it quickly turns into a make out session, I rest my hands on her waist and pull her closer, we pull away when we run out of oxygen and when I open my eyes; I see her slowly open hers and look at me nervously. I notice her clench jaw as her eyes wonder everywhere a light smile tugging on her lips. "I—I've been wanting to do that since forever." She admits, smiling widely. I blush at her words and she tucks her head into my neck, holding me tightly. I hold her just as tight, not wanting to let her go. She moves her head back and begins to kiss all over my face which I blush at. Giggling lightly.

"R—Really?" I ask her, she nods her head and rests her head against mines.

"Of course," She agrees, smiling as her eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes. "I...I might not have realised it at first but I—I do like you— I like you so much." She expresses to me, I smile at this and pull her in for another kiss, holding her tightly and close to me. I remember about her and Lexi and pull away,

"Wait, what about Lexi?" I ask her, looking into her eyes; she grins at this and starts to explain to me what happened, I gasp at this, "What? No! That did not happen!" I exclaim in disbelief. She laughs at this,

"I know, I know, it was bad. I'm sorry..." She apologises, tucking her head in my neck, I place a kiss on her head.

"Well, I have you all to myself now." I hum out, smiling widely. I look at her and notice her blush at this, nodding her head.


It's been a few days and let me tell you, it's been the best few days of my life ever. Right now, we're hanging out, messing around in the ocean as we're at the beach. Just having some fun.

"Hey! Don't splash me!" She giggles out, starting to splash me. I back away, and put my hands up as a shield, starting to laugh.

"Hey! You can't tell me off and start to do it." I reply, swatting water toward her as I try to move from side-to-side to throw her off; I manage to grasp on wrist and I pull her close and distract her with a kiss, she kisses me back and I wrap my arms around her waist and pull away. "Don't hate me." I tell her, she looks at me confused and I slightly chuck her further into the water.

"No—!" She lets out, making me laugh before crashing into the water while I begin to swim to safety and away from her. Running toward our blanket and when I lie down, I'm soon met with a body landing on mines, I chuckle at this and see a complete stranger.

"O—Oh, hi..." I let out, the person pushing themselves up before staring at me.

"Oh... uh, h—hi..." She greets me, I tilt my head and close my left eye due to brightness and smile warmly.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now