New Light

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Y/n is strictly Hailee's tutor and when Y/n changes her style and fixes herself up, Hailee begins to see her in a new light.



Hailee's POV:

"Hailee, it's simple, you're just complicating it in your own head." My tutor, Y/n, tells me off once again, I groan, tilting my head back. Right now, we're in her dorm room - that's the best since she's the principle's daughter - and doing some homework as she's my tutor since the school thought that it was necessary.

"How the hell did I mess it up again?" I ask, myself, resting my head on the table and groaning.

"Because you're complicating it, I just said that." Y/n answers my rhetorical question, I lift my head up and look over at her, seeing her write down another question, "Try this and just try to stick to something simple." She tells me, I roll my eyes in annoyance and snatch the paper from her grip, "It'll work out in the end—"

"—Yeah, it better..." I say, getting angry as I look at the question then reread the text that was given and begin to find a quote, having to write what it suggests when to be honest, I don't give a fuck what it 'suggests'. I want to get this exam over and fucking done with.


"I say we better finish up here." I hear Y/n tell me, I look over at her in confusion, we normally finish in 40 minutes, why is she leaving early?

"Got somewhere to be?" I ask her, she nods her head, grabbing a jacket.

"Yep." She answers, truthfully, making me slightly shocked. Normally, whenever I ask her what she's doing afterwards, she normally just says the usual 'More studying' or 'Reading' or telling me about a new TV show she's watching and how she's gonna do a re-watch of it.

"Got a new show to watch?"


"Got more studying to do?"


"Oh... got—got a new book?"

"Yeah. I gotta go collect it from the bookshop in town, so, I'll be about... 30 minutes." She estimates, I nod my head, packing my stuff up and putting it in my bag.

"Oh, well... thanks." I thank her, seeing her tilt her head to the side as she narrows her eyes slightly,

"For what?" She asks, tucking her hands into her black jeans that she has with a tartan shirt that's buttoned up, black-rimmed, round-shaped glasses and converse. Not gonna lie, she does look like an absolute nerd.

"For the help. I finally got it, didn't I?" I ask her, I see her begin to soften her look and she nods her head, staying quiet.

"You're improving, yeah." She answers, softly.

"Are you going to Jack's party tonight?" I ask her, she chuckles softly.

"Do I look like I enjoy parties?" She asks me, I laugh softly, shaking my head. "There's my answer, a lovely no from me." She denies, shaking her head softly once. She opens the door for me, "After you." She tells me, I smile at her and leave the room, glancing back at her and offering a smile before turning around and heading to my dorm room.


I'm at this party and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little bit drunk and I'm trying to find my phone, but then my friends invited me to a game of truth or dare so I'll look for my phone another time. My friend spins the bottle, everyone waiting patiently and eyeing it as if it was about to tell our future.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now