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A/N: Kate x Reader

Summary: Y/n is hiding out in the woods and when she gets attached, her and Kate have to flee the scene while causing chaos to be able to go back to the Avengers Compound.

I'm also going to make it where Y/n is an Obscurus which is basically Credence's powers if you've ever watched Fantastic Beasts, if you don't know what it is or what I'm on about it basically means: "a young witch or wizard who developed a dark parasitical magical force," hopefully that helps and if not, search Fantastic Beasts Credence fight scenes on YouTube and you can see his powers (I think)



Y/n's POV:

I wake up to hearing footsteps around, I look around and I don't see anyone for a minute, I turn to Kate and she's fast asleep. We just did a mission and right now, we're hiding in the woods. I look around and I continue not to see anyone, I turn back to Kate. I tap her shoulder and start trying to wake up.

"Kate, Kate, come on! Come on." I whisper to her, trying to wake her up. I continue to shake her as I look around, "Kate." I call on her, I groan at this, I'll have to do the only thing that will probably work. I slap her, her waking up immediately and going to shout in pain before I cover her mouth, "Kate, I think people are here." I whisper to her, her face settles and she looks around to hear the footsteps. I remove my hand and we quickly scurry to get our things before starting to sneak around toward the back of the building that we were nearby. "Look, look, look!" I say, taping her upper arm, and pointing south.

"Shit, what's the plan?" She asks me, I think for a moment before shrugging.

"I—I don't know, I mean I can distract and cause chaos?"


"Are you forgetting my Telekinesis powers?" I ask her, she snickers at this before nodding her head. I roll my eyes. Of course, she forgot. She always forgets. I wonder if she forgot my Super Strength as well as that I'm an Obscurus. Hmm. I use my mind and move a branch down beside them, just to scare them and shots are let out, I flinch at this and grab Kate, directing her toward them. But hiding just to see where they're going.

"What're you doing? We're supposed to be running away from them." She tells me off. I roll my eyes at this, scoffing slightly.

"Yes, but we need to know where they are. Task Force 9-1-3 wants to know and they will not get off of our back if we continue to ignore—"

"What's Task Force 9-1-3?" She questions,

"Do you not listen at the meetings?"

"I— no..." She admits, her shoulders falling which I chuckle at. Shaking my head. I continue to listen,

"Find the girl!" Shouts Commander Viktor. I know him because I used to work for him, he hunted people who had Enhanced abilities to see what was going on and threaten the rest of America with these 'weapons'. "Spread out! Stay on your watch. We might be here a while." He shouts to everyone, I fucking hate Commander Viktor, he was such an asshole.

"Who the hell is he?" Kate asks,

"Commander Viktor, started off in the US Army and was in Iran for 4 years before he moved and decided to work for the CIA for like 5 years then FBI for 2 before he started doing Special Ops jobs." I explain to her, she nods her head as her eyes widen for a moment.

"H—How do you know all this?"

"I worked with him in Iran." I answer truthfully,

"No way, you're an Ex-Army Soldier?" She questions, I nod my head, offering a light smile. "How long were you there for?"

"Only 2 years. I came home because of how an explosion went off, I got badly injured." I answer as I look around and use my mind to move a stone and hit it at Viktor's head before moving and grabbing Kate with me. I chuck a rock in the back of the head of one Solider and then use my mind to move the person beside him into a tree and making him like he's choking before dropping him. Kate shoots two arrows before I chuck something that triggers it and makes it explode.

"We're under attack!" Someone shouts,

"Get cover!" Another person shouts, I continue to move things with my mind before I see gunshots and I pull Kate toward me, covering myself as I stop every bullet and move it down.

"Kate, go! Go now!" I say, pushing her away as I start to fight back, every bullet stopping as I stop it with my mind, I force my eyes shut and create a force around me and sink into the ground, moving everything around me, I wrap around a few trees making them fall and then go to the building, starting to break everything down. I start to run after and try to find Kate, I move up from the ground and start running, "Kate! Kate where are you?!" I shout to her, I look around and try to find her as I continue to run, hoping to find her somewhere; when I run further into the woods, I hear heavy water flow and run there to see Kate and so many people around her, I force my eyes shut and move down, moving the trees with speed and moving rocks around to create destruction. I move around Kate, making her fall and then create a few more blows so it can hide her, I rush after her and force my eyes shut, opening them and becoming my human-form. I put my hand out and pull her toward me and open my arms; her body crashes into mines and we end up rolling around and I then see we're about to hide but Kate's back is going to hit first, I switch it so it's me and she covers her nose and I cover mines. Our bodies crashing into the water. I help her swim toward the shallow end and move her up first, she starts coughing, I move my head above water level and cough a little bit, wiping my eyes and going over to rub her back, "You okay? You feeling alright?" I ask her worriedly, she nods her head giving me a thumbs up, I look up and around trying to see if there was anything we had to worry about. "Is it all out?" I ask her, she nods her head before turning around and resting her back against the ground.

"My god." She breathes out to me,

"Yeah... my god." I say, resting my back against the ground, I start catching my breath and hear Kate speak up,

"You okay?" I hear Kate ask me, I nod my head.

"Never better." I breath out, still trying to catch my breath and I rest my right hand on my left side in pain, I begin to sit up and stand; I look around and pick up my back-pack. I take Kate's hand and she has a bit of a limp, I pick her up and start to walk.

"Will this work?"

"We'll see." I inform her, "I've never done this before." I tell her, "Shut your eyes." I order her to do as I do the same, I move down and we both move and I start to rush toward safety, I move up and I open my eyes to see Kate perfectly fine. Woah. That was... something. "That was something." I let out, I see her slowly open her eyes and she looks around.

"Ooh, this is pretty." I hear her say, I set her down and she continues to cuddle into me, I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Yeah, could use some... er..." I tilt my head slightly, feeling Kate's eyes on mine. "some decoration? Maybe... Maybe some cleaning up, as well." I say as the house was covered in vines and there was a massive hole in the roof. Perfect.

"Right? Yeah. Maybe just a little." She agrees, we both turn to each other with massive smiles as we begin to laugh.

"Come on, let's go get you some rest." I tell her, helping her inside. Hopefully this goes alright.


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