Helping Clint and Kate

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Summary: While Kate and Clint are escaping the Tracksuit Mafia, Spider-Woman swings in to help out.

The suit she wears is at the top (hopefully)

Thank you so much for 3k! You guys are honestly amazing <3 I really appreciate all the love and support <3



Kate's POV:

We arrive at the bridge and Clint quickly drifts to the side, we turn to see a kid staring at us, I give an awkward wave.

"Hi." I greet the girl and send her a smile, she gasps at this and waves a Clint. I roll my eyes, "'Kay, I'm here too." I huff out, he quickly gets out and I follow after him, getting my bow. Thank god that I got it back, I was not about to have to find another one. "What is he doing?" I ask Clint,

"Kate, he's not stopping." Clint warns me, shoot, I forgot. His hearing aid broke. He pulls out an arrow and hands me one, "Here, take out that truck." He orders me to do, I look at the arrow then at the truck speeding towards us, "Aim high. Bring the arrow down on him." He explains to me,

"What's the plan? This is a normal arrow." I explain to him, Clint shrugs lightly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, so, I'm just gonna assume you're on board." Clint assumes, I scoff at this and take a deep breath, "On my mark. Ready?" He asks me, "Shoot up." He orders me to do and I aim my bow up and take a quick breath before releasing the arrow into the air; I watch as it flies up and slowly comes back down, Clint shoots his arrow and when it hits mine, it's size grows. "Woah!" I exclaim as it comes crashing down, creating a big explosion. I gasp at this as I watch in amazement. I climb down from the hood, "That was amazing!" I exclaim excitedly, he pulls out another arrow and hands me it. "Take this. Cover me." He orders me to do, I glance at the arrow then at him. I look around— is that Y/n L/n from Physics?! Wait, I need to focus, I need to focus.

"Clint—? A USB arrow? Seriously? What am I supposed to do with this?" I call after him, he continues to run and I groan at this. "Fine." I let out, bitterly. I set the arrow up and pull back, aiming toward everyone. "God, I hope he's got a dongle arrow to make this useful." I express to myself, Clint starts getting shot at as he grabs an arrow from a car, "Don't move!" The girl, Maya, stops everyone, "You do not wanna see what this arrow does! Trust me." I exclaim, warning them as I point my arrow at everyone. My mouth falls open in shock as I watch Spider-Woman swing next to Kazi, I think his name is.

"Trust me dude, I've seen the action of that one." She explains to him, laughing lightly. Kazi turns to her and looks at her in shock. "Oh, did I not introduce myself? Sorry, I'm Spider-Woman. You can call me Spider-head. Stupid. Spider. Dumb. Webhead. All sorts of names, ooh, my favourite! You're gonna love! Someone about to hurt you." She explains before punching him and flipping into a kick that landed on his head, she webs two people to the truck and she swings to the top of the bridge, before swinging back as a member of the Tracksuit Mafia was holding onto her leg for dear life. I have to admit, it was kinda funny. She kicks him off into the truck, hitting the two people webbed onto the truck making them fall on top of him. She lands beside me and waves. "Hi." She grins out. Before turning to Clint, "Hi, Mr Barton. Sorry I'm late." She apologises, as he starts running towards us. "Uh, why isn't he talking?"

"Hearing aid's broke." I answer for her, she nods her head at this,

"Time for you to shoot that arrow now." She orders me to do, I nod my head and shoot it, one of them exclaiming in... was that polish? It bounces off of them. That was underwhelming.

"Follow me!" Clint orders us as he starts to run toward the side. Spider-Woman puts her arm around, I wrap my arms around her and she picks me up, running with Mr Barton as we all jump off the bridge, Clint shoots an arrow that helps us land on the train that was passing by and Spider-Woman uses her... whatever it is to land on it and climbs up onto the roof.

"Now, I get the whole Plunger arrow thing!" I exclaim, making Spider-Woman laugh. Oh, my god! I—I made Spider-Woman laugh! She helps us in and directs us toward a seat. We all sit down. I rest my head back and catch my breath, that was a lot.

"Well... that was fun." Spider-Woman expresses with a light laugh, I turn to her and I can't tell if she's smiling or not. I nod my head and face ahead—

"Oh, we gotta walk the dog." I let out,

"You're not wrong..." Clint speaks up,

"He's been cooped up all day." I continue to say, "Not sure how long a dog can be cooped up—"

"...calling yourself one of the world's greatest archers." Clint continues on to say, I turn to him smiling widely. Oh, my god. This is like the biggest compliment ever!

"Oh, my God, do you really think so?" I ask him, my eyes slightly wide in shock. "I won't like, I—I wasn't sure how I'd do under all that pressure..."

"We should probably walk the dog." Clint says, speaking over me. As I turn away, "Don't you think?" He asks me, I turn to him and he looks away; Spider-Woman just looking between us, probably smiling like me. "Been cooped up all day." He admits, I laugh at this along with Spider-Woman. You know, she has a very infectious laugh.


We arrive at the apartment and we all hang out inside, I shut the door and set my stuff down while Clint announces he's going to the bathroom to shower.

"Uh, M—Mr Barton— and he can't hear me..." Spider-Woman sighs out, watching as he walks toward the bathroom and shuts the door. She turns to me, "Um, do you promise not to tell anyone if I take my mask off?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah. Yeah, of—of course. Um," I place my hand over my heart, "I, Kathrine Elizabeth Bishop, pledge to tell not a single person who Spider-Woman is." I tell her, making her laugh; she takes her mask of— Y/N L/N FROM PHYSICS?!  "Y/N L/N—?!"

"Not so loud! Please!" She exclaims, covering my mouth. I nod my head, forcing my eyes. "You gonna keep that promise, Bishop?" She asks me, I nod my head, blushing a little bit. I have to admit, I've always had a little bit of a crush on her. When I found out in Junior year that we were set on for the same University, I was excited. So, I worked harder. Made sure that we both did. She removes her hand from my face and looks around, "Is there anywhere I can change?" She asks me, I point to the room down the hall.

"U—Um, second door on the left." I inform her, she nods her head.

"Thank you." She hums out, tapping the Spider on the suit as it deflates, she walks toward the room and heads inside, shutting it behind her. I spin around happily and walk over to my room to get changed.

This was so cool! This is the greatest day ever! The greatest day of my entire life! I can't believe Y/n's Spider-Woman! How did I not notice this?!


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