Secret Couple

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee is super popular and Y/n is very shy and the exact opposite, the two are secretly dating and when Hailee's friend dares her to do something, she does it with no questions.

I saw this on tiktok but I can't remember what account I saw it on, sorry lmao



Hailee's POV:

Right now, it's break and I'm sitting with my friends at our usual table, we have Sofia; Camilla, Shawn, Tom, and Zendaya. We're all complaining about our classes that we have today which was honestly truly annoying.

"I never want to go to his class again." I hear Zendaya complain, with a sigh as she shakes her head; resting her hands on her forehead. Forcing her eyes shut. "I hate him so much, he doesn't even teach Maths properly!" She complains, letting her hands fall onto the table while Tom laughs, resting a hand on her thigh.

"Don't worry, darling. You'll never have to see that cunt—"

"Tom!" Everyone but me exclaims, telling him off, he groans at this, rolling his eyes. I however find it kinda funny, but whatever.

"All right, all right, all right!" He quickly replies, making me laugh. "Well, I'm bored. Truth or dare?"

"What're we in? Middle school?" Sofia questions him, making me and a few others laugh.

"Well this is boring!" Tom complains, making me smile.

"Fine, dare each other to do something." I offer an idea, his eyes light up at this and he nods his head. They continue to play dare while I'm not listening, I'm trying to find my girlfriend, where is she? I look around before finding a table in the corner, she's sitting by herself as always. Reading a book and listening to music. I smile at the sight of her, noticing her glance around before she looks up and sees me, she offers a light smile and a quick wave but before I get the chance to wave back. She looks down at her book, continuing to read. Stupid book. I'm more important than the book, no? I pull my phone out and text her, looking over at her, waiting for her to answer. She opens it and I notice her blush when she reads the text. I smile at this. I like seeing her blush, it's the cutest thing ever. I see her text me back.

"I've got fourth free if that's what you wanna do?" She replies to my message, I smile widely as fourth is right after break.

"Of course, love <3"

"Perfect, I'll meet you by your car as always?"

"Yes, please ❤️"

"All right, great! See you then, my love <3" She sends to me, I blush at this and look over at her, noticing that she's wearing my hoodie but I've barely warn it to school so not many people know it's mine. Actually, no one knows it's mine but me and her.

"Haiz, who's got you blushing?" I hear Camilla ask me, gasping, gaining the whole group's attention.

"Have you got a new hook up?" Shawn asks, raising an eyebrow and sounding a little bit angry. One thing, I know for a fact is that Shawn still has some sort've feelings for me as when I moved to this school, he continuously showed up everywhere and would always try and talk to me. He literally left his friend group and joined mines yet when I declined his offer since I'm dating Y/n, he was embarrassed and said it was a joke. I know it isn't of course.

"No." I reply, shaking my head lightly. "And I'm not blushing." I rebuttal, looking over at Camilla, hoping to tell her to back off with my eyes. She notices my look and nods her head.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now