Crushing 2

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader





Y/n's POV:

Have I messed up by telling her how I feel? I can't help it though! All I ever want to do is just kiss her and tell her how much I like her, we've been friends for like... 4 months and I know there's something here; I feel as if she likes me but sometimes I can't help but worry if she does, if she doesn't, I guess I can try to move on but if she does, I will honestly be so happy.

"What?" I hear Kate let out in a soft whisper, I try to fit my position and sit up more; wrapping my arms around her waist to hold her close, she moves her arms so they are wrapping around my neck, her eyes never leaving mines.

"I...I think— well... I—I know I have a crush on you..." I admit, sheepishly, looking down at my stomach before my eyes look up to meet her addicting blue eyes.

"Oh..." I hear Kate say, "I—I thought... you didn't like girls..." She admits to me, I look down and sigh lightly.

"I didn't know I liked them either..." I express to her, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Well..." She sighs lightly, "well, what're we gonna do?" She asks me,

"Maybe telling me how you feel would be a good start." I sarcastically respond, her eyes fall to my stomach and I notice how nervous she is, "Want me to go?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be good." She tells me, standing up and heading over to her bathroom, I sigh at this and mentally slap myself; leaving through the window and heading down, I start to make my way home and continue to scold myself. When I got home, I see Angel lying on my bed and when I shut my door; she sits up and sighs in relief, walking over to me and hugging me.

"I heard you got into a fight—" I start to cry in her arms and she holds me tightly and rubs my back, "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks me while I continue to sob in her arms.


So, I've just completely ruined a friendship... yeah... completely just... fucked it up and now I haven't been to school in 2 weeks (A/N: Right I have a question for my american people because I've seen a lot of influencers be like 'Oh my god, you've been off for 2 days? That's so bad! You need to get to school' like bish, I've been off for like 3 weeks once then 2 weeks after going back for a day like I don't know why they make it a big deal to be honest) and to be honest, I don't want to go back. I just want to stay in bed all the time, my mom's been worried about me and how I've not been into school but because I haven't been in a while, every time I think of going back; I have a panic attack about it as I don't like the thought of going back, like I've been doing the work at home so it's not like I've missed too much and I've been going at my own pace. I just don't want to face certain people.

"Y/n." I hear my mom call on me, I pretend to be asleep and I hear my door open, "I have to go to work, can you wake her?" My mom asks someone, probably just Angel.

"Sure, yeah." I hear the familiar voice of Kate, I start to panic and pull the covers more toward me and continue to be 'asleep'. I hear the door shut and footsteps retract then the door opening and shutting, my mom locking it then getting in her car and starting it, reversing out of the spot and leaving. "Y/n." I hear Kate speak softly, rubbing my back lightly, although; I almost gave away my position of being 'asleep', I am too scared to face her. "Y/n, come on, you gotta get up and eat something, even if it's a snack." I hear her whisper to me, "I'm sorry for how I reacted." I hear her say, sounding upset. I open my eyes but don't turn to her, I just continue to face the wall. "I—I panicked and I... I've had other girlfriends but I've never really done anything with them... shocker from how sexual I am, I know." She jokes, letting out a small laugh, I go to laugh lightly with her before realising I'm supposed to be asleep. "But, uhm, anyway... I—I just... wanted to apologise for how I acted. It—It was so stupid." She expresses to me, I stay silent and feel tears start to form, I hate how I want to forgive her because it hurt knowing she wanted me to leave her alone. "I... don't even know why I told you to go, I actually wanted you to stay." She admits, sheepishly, laughing a little but I can tell that it's fake. "Y/n?" She whispers to me, I pretend to stir awake and I wipe my eyes before turning to her, when I do; I pretend to get a fright as I've done that on many occasions. "Hey..." I hear her say.

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