Party Fun

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader

INSPO: Panic

Summary: Charlie goes to a party with Memo at some old granary and there is a challenge that people sign up for and when it's her turn, Popular girl / player Y/n L/n helps her out that turns into chaos.



Charlie's POV:

I have no idea how I even got dragged to this dumb party but hey, I'm here. I'm here and trying to make some new friends but of course Tina has to put the attention on herself, gaining every guy and girl's attention. Typical Tina. Me and Memo are walking toward where all the alcohol is and he picks up a beer and offers me one,

"Oh, no, thanks. My mom would kill me." I deny, he nods his head and sets one down, "Oh, you're having one?" I ask him, he nods his head.

"Yeah, I thought... I thought I'd have one." He expresses to me, I nod my head lightly and glance around to look at the party. "Do you think you're gonna join in?" I hear Memo ask me, I turn to him and look at him confused. "You know that little strand from one of the tanks to the other?" He says, turning toward it and pointing at it; I turn toward it and notice it, looking over at him. "People are gonna walk across that and apparently people are putting money on it, whoever gets across fastest wins 500 dollars." He explains to me, my eyes light up at this and I turn to him.

"F—Five hundred?" I question, he nods his head, turning to me. "W—Wow. You think I should do it?" I ask him, his eyes widen in shock at this.


"Yes, me. I'm signing up for it." I grin out, looking around and he helps me, showing me where to sign up; apparently we're doing it in an hour so, me and Memo have an hour to kill.

"Well, if it isn't Charlie Watson." I hear the voice of the most childish girl ever, I turn around and see Y/n L/n. One of the most popular girl in school who is also a player.

"Y/n L/n... hi." I reply, she smiles widely.

"How you doing? You signing up, sweetheart?" She asks me, moving in front of me with a proud smile on her face, I nod my head which she gasps up. "Oh, well, that's adorable. I will be in the front row." She teases, leaning in and moving her head to the side, I just stare into her eyes; trying not to fall for the trap. "I'll see you soon." She whispers to me, moving back and blowing me a kiss before signing herself up and I feel Memo take my hand and lead me away from her.


The game starts and a few people went however, they took from 25-35 seconds, however, it was Y/n's turn.

"State your name!" Harrison - the guy who started the game - shouts to her, Y/n chuckles at this and sits down on the start,

"You already know it man, your mom screams it every night." Y/n replies, making everyone laugh.

"Y/n L/n, everyone. What a sunny personality." He jokes into the megaphone. Y/n grins and stands up, waiting for him to start the timer, "3, 2... 1! GO!" He shouts, she starts to walk at a fast-ish pace however a loud creak makes her stop, just 4 steps later; she takes a deep breath and takes her time, getting there in 19 seconds as she practically jumped to the railing and sighed in relief before jumping over and landing safely on the other side, waiting to climb down. The name then gets picked out from a hat and... "Charlie Watson!" I hear my name being called, I feel everyone's eyes on me and sigh, I start to walk to the left tank and head up the creaky ladder. "You ready?" He asks when I move underneath the railing and get onto the start of the bridge, I hold onto the railing and nod my head.

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