⚠️Learning a secret⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee comes home from work and when she goes to try and find you, she finds you in the shower, crying.

⚠️TW⚠️: ED, Self-harm



Hailee's POV:

I arrive home from a very busy and tiring day at work, I'm not going to lie, I really just want my girlfriend, she's all I want right now. Although, something does seem quite off with her recently, she's been very... upset. I suppose, I could say. I don't really know what to do or how to help her but I want to try at least, I just... don't know how exactly. I try to help her but it doesn't exactly work very well, she tells me how she just feels more guilty.

I go to greet her as she's normally always on the couch when I'm home but I don't see her, I look around.

"Y/n?" I call out to her, looking around and glancing in the kitchen to see if she is there but she isn't. I set my bag down and put it in the rack along with my jacket, I start to look around the house trying to find her, even going into the guest room before I go into our room and decide to call out again, "Y/n? Where are you?" I call out, looking around. Her clothes are still here as well as her stuff so glad to know that she hasn't left me. "Y/n? Where are you?" I call out to her,

"I—In... he—here..." I hear her trembling voice call back, which makes me immediately know that she is crying, I look around and see the bathroom light on, I go toward the door but pause.

"B—Babe, are you okay?" I call out to her, waiting for an answer.

"I don't..." I hear a small sob, "I don't know." I hear her shout back with a light sob,

"Can I come in?" I ask her, hoping that she says 'Yes' as I'm not about to leave her while knowing that she is crying and in the bathroom, I don't hear anything from her so I take a deep breath, "Y/n, can I come in?" I ask her, not hearing anything in reply from her. "I'm getting worried, can you at least answer me?" I ask, hoping to hear something from her.

"O—Okay..." I hear her say, quietly. I open the door and see her shielding her body, her head resting on her knees with one up and the other down, her facing away from the water as the hot water hits her back and tears are in her eyes while they fall. She lets out a small sob, "I'm sorry." She sobs out, continuing to cry. I rush over and shut the door behind me, resting my hands on her face.

"Hey. Hey, no, we're okay. We're good." I express to her quietly, running my hand through her hair as it was slightly damp but mostly dry. "What's wrong, my love?" I ask her, speaking softly as I know when she cries, it creates a headache for her.

"I can't get up..." She sobs out, wait what—? What?

"What? What do you mean, love?" I ask her, quietly, running my hands over her arms but she hisses in pain, moving her arms away from me.

"I can't get up." She repeats, sobbing lightly. I rub her back and try to help her stand up but her arm simply flops back down on the brim of the bathtub and now that I look at her, her body does look quite slim, very petite.

"Baby, when was the last time you ate?" I ask her, running my hand through her hair, she leans into my hand and starts to sob.

"It hurts everywhere..." She sobs out, I look at her confused and she looks down at her leg that was laid out, I notice the few cuts and let out a small 'Oh', by accident. "I'm sorry." She sobs out, I look over at her and pull her in for a hug,

"No, darling, don't apologise." I breathe out, rubbing her back and holding her tightly.

"I—I didn't mean it..." She continues to sob out, I place a kiss on her temple and take my t-shirt off as well as my bottoms and get in with her,

"Let me help you, baby." I whisper to her, softly. I move behind her and every time that I tried to help her up, it simply just fails. We were literally in there for 2 hours before I realise how much she's shivering and shaking. "I know it hurts, but we're gonna have to get up." I tell her, hoping that I'm not coming off as pushy or anything. But we've really been here for 2 hours and we've gotten nowhere.

"I—I don't wanna..." She lets out, while I can still hear the hurt in her voice. I let out a small breath and hear her start to cry again a couple of seconds later, "I—I'm sorry." She apologises, I rub her back.

"It's okay, love, it's okay. I'm just worried about you." I express to her, softly, I didn't mean for her to think that she's annoying me or anything, I just want to help her lie down and give her cuddles and kisses and help her cuts and help her eat. I just want to help her.

"I—I'm f—"

"Don't say your 'fine', love, you've been saying that for the past month but look so upset, I just want to love you and help you, is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask her, she shrugs at this, leaning into me, I wipe her tears for her. Placing a kiss on her temple. "Can we try to stand you up again?" I ask her, she whimpers lightly before nodding her head.


Y/n fell asleep and I immediately start to break down, trying to help her up and out of the shower has had to be the most painful thing I've ever had to witness as it was so difficult. She was in tears, complaining at how much pain she was in, slightly screaming, sobbing loudly, she was wanting to give up. Everything.

I hated it. I hated seeing her like that.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now