Video Games

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: DC_Heros1

Summary: Y/n is playing a game too much and when she's on stream, Hailee decides to join and when Y/n explains the rules to her and what to do, letting her have a shot. Hailee quickly likes it and starts to become addicted too the game just as much.



Hailee's POV:

I want to hang out with my girlfriend, Y/n, but she's always playing a stupid game and live streaming, I've joined a few of her lives when I'm bored but I just want to spend time with her.

The last time I think that we hung out was 3 days ago, I don't get how people do this. How? I mean I can't text her cause she won't answer. She'll just ignore it.

"Wai—? Wait hold on, the hell did I miss? I look away for two seconds and Steph's upset. What's she upset for?" She asks, she's playing Life is Strange: True Colours right now and she managed to get it early. "She got reminded of Gabe. Oh, okay, thank you." She's so polite, I grin at this, I decide to type in the chat just for a laugh and as Y/n's talking about whatever, she stops and snickers at this. "Hi, darling." She says, blushing a little. I can tell as her ears go a little red before her cheeks turn red. "You want to come through and join?" Hell yeah, I leave the thing on the TV and grab my phone, I head into her room and shut the door behind me, she smiles at me. "Hi! You want to sit down?" She asks me,

"Is that okay?" I ask her, she nods her head.

"Yeah, of course. Come here." She tells me, she stands up and I walk over, "You sit there, let me just grab the chair over there." She says, I grin at how polite she is, she's always so kind and caring. Even with someone she just met, she would be so nice.

"Thank you." I hum out, I watch the game and I have to admit, although I'm a little annoyed at how Y/n's always spending her time in this room that I don't think she's went out in 2 weeks. It does look really interesting. And more and more people are starting to watch her which is even better! I'm happy for her. She walks over with another gaming chair,

"You want to sit there? Or here?" She asks politely,

"Um, can I sit here?"

"Of course." She agrees with a smile, she sits beside me and she instructs me on how to play the game.

"I go over here?" I ask her, she nods her head.

"Yeah, there you go." She cheers me on, I laugh at this and she places a kiss on my head. "Then if you hold this button here, it'll... yeah, now it'll do like a little flashback, sequence, here." She tells me, putting the headphones on for me, "So, you can hear instead of just reading the dialogue." She tells me, I move on ear off so I can hear her as well. She reads the chats and just laughs here and there, I glance over and she points at one, I read it and just smile; both of us turning to one another, "Have you got make up on?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, is it good?"

"You look beautiful but I prefer you without make up. That's the best Hailee." She grins out, resting her hand on my thigh, I blush at this and kiss her cheek before turning back to the game and playing... okay this is actually really fun, I can see why Y/n likes this. I hear the character say that she thinks she understands everything and can help Steph.

"Where's Steph?" I ask,

"She's just over by the window." Y/n answers politely, I move the right analogue stick and turn to the window, I walk toward her and look down and press the button I need to press, I look up and when it gets to the foosball, I hand it to Y/n as she's better at this stuff than me. "You having fun?" She asks me, I nod my head.

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