"Well... What a missed opportunity!"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee is dating leprechaun boy and Y/n is "friends" with him and was good friends with Hailee but is even closer with each other when one day when they are hanging out. They find out some shocking news.

This is a post from old one so I'll post part two! <3



Hailee's POV:

I wake up to feeling arms wrapped around my waist and a kiss on my shoulder, I stir awake and take a sharp hale in, turning around to be met with a pair of lips against mines, I grin at this and when I feel him pull away, I slowly open my eyes to see the beautiful blonde boy that is Niall.


"Good morning." His voice was a little groggy but it sounded hot, he hums lightly; looking down at me as if I was the only other girl on the world, he kisses me once more then pulls away,

"Good morning." I reply, my voice a little groggy. He grins at this and places a kiss on my head before lying back down.

"I've got a busy day of interviewing to do." He tells me, I groan at this.

"I thought we could have the day together though." I express to him, he shrugs lightly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up too you." He tells me before standing up, "I'm gonna go for a shower, k?" He tells me, I nod my head, agreeing and he gets up and grabs a few pieces of clothing then heads inside the bathroom. I look around and stretch before grabbing my phone and texting my best friend, Y/n.

"Hey, I don't know if you're busy today or not but if you're not, do you want to hang out?" I text her, I go to click off but see that she's read it. Hmm, that was fast.

"Yeah, of course. What time?" She replies, I think for a moment and look at the time to see it being 11am. Oh, god, I slept it.

"12?" I send, hoping that she's free at 12.

"Yeah, lemme just check my calendar." She texts me, I roll my eyes at this knowing she's being sarcastic, almost immediately I see another text from her saying:

"Yeah, all good." With a thumbs up emoji, I snicker at this.


"What?! I remember you saying you liked me being weird?!" She rebuttals, I grin, knowing that she is 'offended' and that my making up to her will deal with cuddles and me buying her a Burger King (I'm craving one right now).

"I will make it up to you with your usual, don't worry." I text her.

"YAY! That was my plan all along." She replies, I scoff at this.

"Yeah, okay." I text before I hear Niall call on me,

"Hailee?" I hear Niall call on me again, I set my phone down and open the door slightly,

"Yeah?" I ask him,

"You coming in?" He asks me, I can just hear by his voice what he intends, I laugh at this.

"Sure. Why not. I'll be there in a second." I reply to him, I go over to our closet and grab a few of my clothes then head inside. Shutting the door behind me. Dear god, do not let me mess this up.


I hear a knock on the door and stand up from the couch, I walk over toward the door lazily, unlocking it and opening it to see a Y/n with dark circles around her eyes but I have to admit, this is one of my favourite looks of hers.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now