⚠️"Last night, you were dreamin..."⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Inspo: The song where it goes, "Last night, you were dreamin' and I heard you say... (dun dun dun dun dun,) 'Oh, Johnny' when you know my name is Ray..."

⚠️TW⚠️: Niall 🤮

I won't even give a summary cause I want it as a surprise and if you want me to write a Nadine version of this, lemme know cause I miss writing her but I know you all would love to steal Hailee from Niall! So here I am! 😂


Hailee's POV:

I stir awake to hearing an alarm go off in my ear, making me want to immediately shut it off, turn around and fall back asleep. That is until I feel arms securely around me, protectively, a place on my shoulder, trailing up my neck. I smile, feeling myself blush.

"Good morning." I hear the Irish accent of my boyfriend whisper to me, I feel blush on my cheeks as I open my eyes, rubbing the sleepiness out of them and turn to him, sighing. Him smiling down at me. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Mhm-hmm." I mumble,

"Mhm-hmm?" He asks, I laugh lightly, nodding my head.

"Mhm-hmm." I reply, letting my hands fall to my sides, I pucker my lips, wanting a kiss. He leans down and gives me a delicate kiss. Sadly... I don't get the feeling that I normally do. I normally feel an overwhelming amount of happiness and butterflies... but not anymore...

He pulls away and hovers his lips over mines, smiling widely as he stares at my lips, biting his own before looking into my eyes, his hand resting on my waist and his other hand resting on my right cheek.

"You excited for today?" He asks me, I nod my head, humming.

"Care to remind me, again?" I ask him, hoping I can get some reminder as I'm still trying to wake up.

"Well, your new friend... uh... gosh, what was her name...?" He begins to mutter,

"Y/n." I remind him,

"Ah, yes! Her. Y/n. You, me, her, and Harry are all gonna go hang out for a bit then you girls can go do whatever you like while me and Harry go meet the others for a session." He informs me, I hum, nodding my head.

"Ah, yes! I'm so excited to see her! I feel like I haven't seen her in months." I express to him excitedly, him moving beside me so I can get up, I head over to my closet and pick out an outfit, "Okay, I got my outfit, I am gonna go for a shower." I tell him, he nods his head, still smiling at me. I get on the bed and crawl to him, giving him a short kiss, I get off and head inside the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, turning the shower on and seeing that I must've left my phone in here as it's where it was from my shower last night. Hmm. I check it and see I have a message from Y/n.

"I better not be third wheeling, Steinfeld. I didn't sign up for that, neither did Harry and you know it."

"I'm assuming you've gone to sleep, so goodnight! I love ya, weirdo <3 Oh! Remember to eat something, I don't wanna find out that you didn't eat just so you can stuff your face at the restaurant❤️🫶🏼"

I smile at her texts, feeling myself feel happier, she always makes me so happy, I wonder if she's dating anyone? She never really tells me anything about her life of dating, it's more just shut-down answers. Or shrugs, or, 'I don't know, guess they weren't into me. Their loss' yet there is always something fishy about it. I don't know.

"Good morning, luv! I'm excited to see you today! And yes, yes yes! I will eat! God, it was one time and plus, it was for a video on your channel! It seemed smart! Text me when you get up 5 minutes before you have to leave LIKE ALWAYS MRS!❤️❤️" I send to her before putting music on and setting my phone up where it was before.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now