"Never giving up" 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader



Also! I said before that in this Hailee is like 16 but I'm actually just gonna change it to 18 cause yeah.



Y/n's POV:

I wake up the next morning to my phone going off, I groan at this as my phone is right beside me. I rub my eyes and then open them and grab my phone to answer whoever is calling me,

"Hello?" I mumble,

"Y/N?!" I hear someone shout into my ear, I drop my phone and flinch as of how loud it was, I grab my phone and clear my throat.

"Hi... um, what—what's up?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and yawning as I'm so tired and exhausted from hanging out with Griffin.

"Are you just up?" I hear Hailee's voice, wait hold on... Hailee?

"Wait, Hailee—?" I check and see Hailee's name, I move the phone back, "Hailee! Hi, hi, um... I'm... supposed to be over, I will be right—"

"No, I'll get Griffin to pick you up. You're not driving tired." She sternly tells me, I sigh at this and put the phone on speaker, setting it next to me as I lie down. "Are you okay? We haven't heard from you all day."

"All day?" I question,

"Yeah, it's 3pm." She informs me, I whine at this and hit my head against the pillow multiple times. I'm just gonna have to put more effort into the car than with Hailee like I promised. "Why don't you go get dressed and I'll go with Griffin to pick you up. I'll see you in 30 minutes." She informs me, before I can even protest, she hangs up; I huff at this and push myself up and out of my bed, I get dressed and brush my hair and teeth then put my normal perfume on and head downstairs.

"Hi, Honey." I hear my mom, Megan, greet me as she holds a plate of pancakes. "I made you something to eat." She tells me,

"I'm not hungry." I reply to her, going toward the fridge and grabbing Apple Juice, "Is it okay if I go over to Griffin's and Hailee's? I need to help both of them." I explain to her,

"Yeah, sure, just make sure to be back by 7."

"7?" I question, she nods her head lightly.

"Yes, 7. I need to talk to you and Peter. We're having our movie night." She explains to me, I roll my eyes at this and sigh, I shut the door and set the apple juice down on the counter.

"Thought we were gonna stop doing that because dad left." I express to her, she takes a sharp inhale in as I open the bottle,

"Honey, I know your mad—"

"Mad? I'm more than mad, you cheated on dad, Mom. I mean come on, weren't you two happy? I thought that you two were happy together?" I ask her, she rests her hands on my shoulders.

"We were— we are—"

"There isn't an 'are' anymore, knowing dad, he'll probably just leave and I'll be stuck here taking care of Peter." I reply, grabbing my bottle and heading toward the door. "I'll be back by 11."

"7." My mom corrects,

"11. That's my normal time, wouldn't it be odd if I actually showed up?" I question, she sighs and nods her head lightly.

"Fine." She lets out, rolling her eyes and walking away. I head outside and sit on the step, waiting for Hailee and Griffin to come pick me up. I see them arrive and both of them quickly get out and start to bombard me with questions,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now