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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: sebstanisbae7

Summary: Y/n has body dysmorphia and starts to distance herself away from Hailee and her friends.

⚠️TW⚠️: Body dysmorphia, self-harm, depression, anxiety

I will not lie, I do not know much about Body Dysmorphia so I literally just searched it up and since I'm in the UK, I went onto the NHS website and they basically just said that, "Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others." So this is what I'll be writing about and they also said that someone with BDD do: "worry a lot about a specific area of your body (particularly your face), spend a lot of time comparing your looks with other people's, look at yourself in mirrors a lot or avoid mirrors altogether, go to a lot of effort to conceal flaws – for example, by spending a long time combing your hair, applying make-up or choosing clothes, pick at your skin to make it "smooth"."

So if this is wrong, then I'm so sorry I just don't know much about it and thought I'd do research and that's what came up.



Y/n's POV:

I'm in an interview right now with my beautiful girlfriend, Hailee, she's obviously looking ridiculously stunning while I'm standing here, glancing over at myself in the mirror, judging how awful I look.

Why am I even here?

I shouldn't even be here. I just... I don't even have the energy to stand anymore, I want to sit down. Or go home. And cry. I need a good cry. Or panic attack, whatever feels like I get my emotions out faster.

I feel myself lift up the bobble that I have around my wrist and ping it against my skin, seeing that my stomach is showing. I begin to try and hide it, pulling up my pants but I don't think it covers it really well. Fuck. I feel my leg start to bounce a little as I glance at the camera then at Hailee, nodding my head before turning back to the mirror. Feeling myself have much anxiety.

"Baby, what do you think?" She asks me, I slowly turn to her, nodding my head hesitantly as I look toward the camera, humming.

"I... uh, I... I just..." I hear Hailee begin to laugh as she rests her hands on my shoulders and rests her head on her hands, I begin to fake laugh with her, "I will not lie, I wasn't listening, what're we on about?" I ask her, glancing between the camera crew, seeing a few of them laughing. I continue to fake laugh as one of them inform me about a challenge and Hailee thinks that we'll be able to do it. "Aw, yeah, I... We..." I correct myself, nodding my head earning another group laughter, "We can... We can do it. We've got this, ain't we?" I ask, turning to her, hearing her laugh as she lifts her head, she moves her head close and kisses my cheek; I smile widely, humming contently as I glance at my feet, swaying forward and backwards. I glance over at the mirror before staring at it, seeing my stomach again. I furrow my eyebrows before staring at my feet, forcing my eyes shut and shaking my head lightly.

I can't deal with this right now, I just need to go home.


"Hey, baby?" I hear Hailee call on me, sounding serious. I sigh, forcing my eyes shut for a moment before pushing myself up and heading to our room. I see her set her phone down and tap the spot beside her, "Sit with me? I wanna talk." She tells me, I feel my heartbeat begin to race at her words, but I comply. I walk over and kick my shoes off, picking them up and chucking them somewhere, I crawl into bed and sit beside her.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now