Intense Situation 2

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A/N: Kate x Reader


Part one was awesome to write so I hope you enjoy part two!



Kate's POV:

We continue to run and I glance behind me to see many zombies falling off the side of the building, some bursting out of buildings. I turn back and she pulls me closer to her, moving me out of the way of a car crashing into a pole I was about to run into.

"How the hell—?"

"—I have no idea..." She chuckles out, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the left, travelling through a short cut and running down a path that leads into the woods. "There's something here, follow me!" She calls on me, we begin to sprint into the woods, a gunshot being shot in our direction that she ducks. She pulls something out and wraps it around a tree and another, while I slowly stop and wait for her. "Go! I'll catch up—"

"—What're you doing—?"

"—Kathrine Elizabeth Bishop, go!" She shouts to me, I groan and turn around to see a couple of infected. Shit. I turn to the left and I don't see anyone, I begin to sprint in that direction, feeling my legs become numb. I hear footsteps and glance around, I don't see anyone. What the fuck—? I feel myself get tackled and pulled into something open. How the fuck is a tree trunk open? I try to fight out of it, I elbow the stomach, quickly turn around and go to punch but Y/n grabs my hand. "It's me." She breathes out, I hear some sort've clicking sound and she covers my mouth, pulling her against me. We stare into each other's eyes, faces in front of one another, me straddling her as our bodies are resting against one another, both of us staring into each other's eyes intently. I see her eyes extract away from me and she pulls me even closer toward her, I turn and see that there is an infected trying to get in here but too big. It makes clicking sounds, I let out a shaky breath and hear it go silent, reaching out a hand, I move my face to the side as Y/n continues to cover my mouth, grabbing a gun that was a little out of reach, I cover my ears and she shoots the zombie in the face three times, it dying. She removes her hand and sighs. Resting her head against the wood. "I can't believe we almost got caught." She lets out, through heavy breathes. I nod my head in agreement,

"I know, I..." I let out a small chuckle, "that was badass." I inform her, beginning to crawl out and helping her out, we begin to North. She looks around when we arrive at a steep hill neither of us could climb up because of how straight up it is, she begins to look around, seeing nothing. Silence. "This... This doesn't... I don't like this—" We hear a branch snap, coming from the east, we begin to slowly go back where we came, attempting to not make a single sound. I glance toward where the east was and see three infected mutilate into one. Making me gag. "Ugh, that was so gross—"

"—Here." I hear Y/n whisper to me, she begins to take me toward a car, we both begin to sprint toward it and I hear a gunshot, ducking down. Looking around to see someone going toward the exact car me and Y/n are running toward. Y/n grabs me and shoots the window open, she pushes me in and I jump, landing into the back seat. She jumps into the passenger's seat and shoots a few shots, the group of 5 people still coming toward us. Y/n crawls into the driver's side and attempts to turn the car on, the car letting out a whining noise. I crawl into the passenger's side and grab her gun, shooting at the people. The car starts up and she begins to reverse. Putting her hand behind the head rest of my seat. I shoot, bullet not hitting anyone.

"Come on, come on, come! On!" Y/n lets out, hitting the radio, music beginning to play, some sort've James Bond theme song, I shoot someone in the head and turn to the back, seeing that we've trapped someone against the wall, I shoot his head, him dying. "Shit, come on!" She groans out, the car finally moving forward, I see a huge ass truck coming towards us.

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