Fake love? Or real love?

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: kateshouldvebeengay

Summary: Y/n likes Ella, Hailee likes Y/n. Ella doesn't like Y/n the way Y/n likes Ella. So, Hailee comes up with a plan to fake date yet when the plan begins. Y/n begins to realise... has she been falling for the wrong co-star all along?



Y/n's POV:

I'm on set right now, working on a show called 'Dickinson' and I have to admit, there are some very attractive people in this cast. Yet there is one girl that stands out to me who is amazing; kind, loving, thoughtful and very intelligent. Just my type. Her name? Ella Hunt. I really do like her and I can't help but get a little bit jealous whenever her and Hailee have to do some sort've kissing scene.

I've always wanted to know what her lips feel like against mines, what her body's like in my hands. What her love feels like to be covered in. I really wanna know. I really wish I had the balls to tell her as well but I have a feeling that she doesn't exactly like me back. I can't tell though. I can't.

Right now, I'm sitting in my chair as I watch Hailee acting. Hailee Steinfeld. The world's 'It' actress who I absolutely adore yet can't help but feel hatred for whenever she kisses the girl I really like. I mean it's not great, is it? To see a friend kissing your crush. No one knows my crush on Ella and at first I did think that Hailee was great... but... Ella, man... she's just so... herself? And talented and in need of more attention that she's receiving.

"Hey, Y/n." I hear Hailee's voice greet me, I turn to the right where I heard her voice and see her smiling at me as she walks over, sitting beside me.

"Hello, Steinfeld. How are you?" I ask her, offering a light smile as I look at her then her outfit; she looks incredible! Right now, we're about to film the scene where Sue is dressed as a man and Emily's sort've a bride. The two dance and all which I'm excited to witness. "Can I just say how amazing and beautiful you look? Damn, Haiz." I compliment, noticing her smile widely as she flashes her best smile.

"Aw, stop it, you!" She giggles out, I grin at this. "I'm okay, a little nervous as I don't want to mess up any of the steps but I think I've got it." She expresses to me, I stand up and offer my right hand,

"We can practise if you want? Oddly for me, I know Sue's part." I explain to her, noticing her eyes light up and she takes my hand, standing herself up. We move into a free space and go over the things that Hailee was hesitant on forgetting.

"Is someone after my part?" I hear Ella call over to us, me and Hailee pull away as we were inches away from each other, her touch bringing warmth. I feel my heartbeat skip hearing Ella's voice and move back. Smiling at her. Ella returning the smile.

"Oh, of course. Who wouldn't want to dance with Hailee?" I question, making Ella laugh. Nudging me.

"Mines for the night."

"Should be me, shouldn't it?" I whisper in reply, noticing her scoff and roll her eyes at our banter. I move out of her way and let the two prepare, focusing on Ella while I say goodbye to the two and to head to my dressing room as I'm done for the day, I wanna get home as fast as possible since the cast is going out for drinks tonight.

I need to look my best... for Ella.


I arrive at the bar and immediately see Hailee and Ella dancing, smiling and laughing as they migrate toward Adrian and Anna, I notice that our show-runner, Alena, is joining us as well. Yay! I head over and everyone begins to cheer, Adrian immediately offering me a drink that I accept and down in one. Everyone cheering.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now