⚠️Nothing but Trouble 2⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


⚠️TW⚠️: Abuse, Drug abuse



Y/n's POV:

I arrive at the barbeque and look around to see AJ; Elio and JJ. I see them sitting down at a table, playing cards. I head over.

"Hey, guys." I greet them, they all turn to me. 

"Ayy! Hey buddy! Beer?" JJ offers, I shake my head lightly. He groans at this, his head leaning back a bit showing his jawline. "Bro, come on, you never not drink—"

"I'm not in the mood." I reply to him, looking around trying to find Hailee. Where is she? I head over to her family and greet everyone, Luke giving me a hug, wanting up. "Hey, bud." I greet him, pulling him up and him on my side while his arms wrap around my neck, leaning into me. 

"Can we play in the sea?" He asks me,

"Is it alright if we play later? I'll need to change." I explain to him, he nods his head and puts his arms out for his dad, I hand him over to his dad and look around to see Skyler and Hailee talking, they seem... weird. I go to head over but Pete stops me, I turn to him. 

"I think it's best we watch." He explains to me, I sigh at this and keep looking at them, they don't seem very friendly toward one another. What do I do? What do I do? Do I butt in? "Just watch, relax. Can you watch the burgers for me?" He asks me, handing me whatever the fuck it is, I take it and flip the few over, sitting down in his chair, Pete goes over to the two and starts to talk; both girls looking over at me, I don't look at Sky but I look at Hailee. I don't know how to describe how she looks but I really wanna talk to her. I don't want to sit back and act as if I don't care because I do, I care. I care a lot. I sigh and look at the burgers and talk to Luke as he kept starting a conversation and asking me things, I sit him on my knee and he puts his hand over mines and we flip the patty, 

"Woo! Look at you go, dude." I say to him, giving him a high five, he grins widely at this and just leans back into me while I continue to watch him. I see Pete and Hailee talking over at the side and Skyler walks over to me.

"Yo, can we talk for a sec?" She asks me, Cher butts in.

"I can take over." Cher informs me, I turn to her and thank her, sitting Luke down and we both head off.

"Yo, Hailee's got something for you dude, she was so passive-aggressive with me—"

"Sky, what we did... it... it was a mistake." I express to her, turning to her, she looks over at me with a smile.

"Oh." She lets out, "I know you like Popstar over there." she continues on to say, I nod my head.

"I do... so much and I... Pete asked me what the plan was after this and I don't even know! I mean... like, what do I do? I don't want a summer fling with her. I actually want her—"

"Y/n." Sky butts in, my eyes fell and I take a deep breath and look over at her, "Can I just ask one thing?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly.

"Did... Did you ever, like... enjoy what we had?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Of course, I did. I just...—"

"Am I interrupting?" I hear someone say, we both turn to see Hailee. She looks at both of us, I don't know why but I can't seem to get myself to speak.

"Uh, yeah, actually." Skyler butts in. I look at her confused, we weren't talking about anything important?

"Okay, well, I need to speak to L/n." Hailee says, taking my hand and pulling me toward her, I go to start walking but feel another hand take me and pull me back, my body bumping into Sky. I look to see her holding my other hand,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now