"This better be better than a six"

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

INSPO: Last of us II

Summary: Y/n and Kate met in a post-apocalyptic world and when they kiss at night, Y/n having to run off, the next morning Y/n and Kate go out on a patrol together and when they get stopped by a blizzard, tension builds and leads to...

I hope you enjoy and...



Y/n's POV:

I take a deep inhale in, hearing the music from outside as I pace back and forth on the deck; I stop, looking out at the snow and other shops that are shut due to the celebration party. Why are we having one? Who knows. All that I know is that I would really love to sneak out or just stay in my room playing guitar. I really do wanna see Kate though, I've had a crush on her for months and my 'father-figure' Joel, seemingly thinks that I like her ex-boyfriend, which is untrue. It's kinda funny seeing him look so smug, thinking that he's right when really, he's miles away from the truth.

I decide to just go for it, so, I head toward the door and open it, letting myself inside; I glance around the room, seeing many people drinking; dancing, laughing, communicating with one another and having a blast, a few kids dancing or talking to their moms and dads. I head over to the bar, ordering myself a drink.

"What can I getcha?" The old bartender asks me, I think for a moment before deciding on...

"I'll settle on a whiskey for now." I answer, him nodding his head,

"That all?" He asks me, his voice sounding rough as he writes it down on a little notepad, looking up at me as he waits for me to continue,

"Uh, yeah. That's all. Thanks, Seth." I thank him, he nods his head and walks over to an inside room to get me my drink, I turn around, looking around to see Kate charming her way through many men, dancing with them. Laughing and talking with them. Many married and single men jealous of not being able to call her theirs. I can tell as so many people adore Kate, she's charming. She can charm her way out of anything and it's admirable.

"Here." I hear her Seth call on me, handing me my third whiskey glass now. I hum, nodding at him in appreciation. I take a sip of my glass and scan the room before my eyes land on Kate again, the guy spinning her around before dipping her; causing her to laugh when she gets pulled back up, I smile contently. Happy for her. Seems like she's having a hella lot of fun.

"Well, hello to you." I hear Jesse greet me, grinning massively as he walks toward me with a smug look on his face; I sit up straighter and clear my throat, attempting to make it look like I'm not looking at his 7-day old ex-girlfriend.

"Hey." I greet him in reply, pretending to scan the room to point out another woman to see if he might possibly like someone else.

"Joel was layin' into me the day." He informs me, I scoff at the news of this; shaking my head lightly as I let my jaw move to the right, letting my tongue hit against my right cheek.

"Of..." I long out, looking up at the ceiling, "course." I conclude, letting my jaw move back to normal and letting my tongue rest normally, beginning to clench my jaw. "What'd he want? Tryin' to tell me to get back to the shop instead of going out on patrol?"

"Is it a surprise at this point?" Jesse questions sarcastically, raising an eyebrow as he leans his head forward when I turn to look at him, feeling myself smile at his sarcastic joke.

"I guess not." I reply, softly. "So... you and Kate then, huh?" I ask him, looking over at him in surprise; he clicks his tongue, nodding his head as he takes a sip of his drink, setting it down and nodding his head.

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