Wanted and Desired 9

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


WOW! OKAY!! A change: Issac is Hailee's little brother, Hunter is Katie's.



Hailee's POV:

I stop and freeze completely as I see that she hasn't seen me yet since she is talking to my little brother and her little brother, she looks like she's going to be a very good mother if she wants kids. She's very good with kids actually, it's the most adorably thing to witness ever. I feel my mother's eyes piercing into mines.

"Are you coming or not, Hailee?" I hear Laura ask me, sounding annoyed at the fact that I had completely frozen, I look over at her and see her staring me down. I walk toward her.

"You ready? I'm gonna throw this up and we're all gonna try to catch it but be careful and mindful of each other, okay?" I hear Katie tell the two boys sternly, Issac and Hunter nod their heads with a smile and Katie chucks a ball of the colour blue into the air and both boys jump up to catch it and when Issac loses, he gets upset but Hunter gives it to him.

"No, don't be sad. You did good." Hunter expresses to him, rubbing his back while Issac holds the ball.

"We can share!" Issac suggests excitedly,

"I think that'll be a great idea, won't it, Hunt?" Katie asks her little brother with a wide smile; he nods his head as he turns to her with a wide smile before gasping, looking at me with a wide smile.

"Hi." I greet Katie, Issac, and Hunter. I notice Katie go to stand up and she turns to me, going to speak before she freezes. Staring at me. "You going to shake my hand or just stare at me?" I tease her, she blushes at this and takes my hand, shaking it. The fact that I have to pretend not to know her when I know a lot about her is one of my favourite things about this situation. We continue to look into one another's eyes before I see a slight smirk tug on her lips before she moves past me, she turns toward me, with this look of mischief in her eyes that I can't help but not smile at.

"Mind showing me where the bathrooms are?" She asks me, I glance toward my mom and see her giving me a knowing look to comply. Well, luckily for me, I know what we'll be doing at the bathroom. I turn back to her and nod my head.

"Sure, follow me, Miss Castillo." I answer, her eyebrow raises at the name but with a slight smirk before she quickly covers it and follows after me while I direct her to the bathroom. I turn the corner and feel her wrap her arm around me,

"I'm not going to lie, I forgot that you had brothers." Katie informs me which I chuckle at, we head into the bathroom, both of us holding each other's hands as we see that no one's in here, I stand up and turn back to her; both of us staring at one another for a moment before I attach my lips onto her, she kisses me back; resting her hands on my waist as she pulls me toward her, our bodies pressing against one another as I feel her slip her tongue in while I open my mouth to ask how she's here when trying to pull away however, she pulls me back in, kissing me and I kiss her back with tongue. I didn't think she'd be good at it— but I take that back with a million apologises, feeling my own pool form in my pants. We both pull away from the kiss once we fail to catch our breath in between the small breaks from the make out, I feel Katie's chest rise and fall quickly as I open my eyes and smile to see her look so happy. When she pulls away, her hand rests on my cheek and her forehead rests against mines, I smile at this and wrap my arms around her neck.

"I thought we were going to have to go a week without one another." I express to her; she chuckles at this and smiles widely.

"Well, my dad told me that we had some place to go in the morning and I didn't see you all of yesterday so I assumed that you wouldn't be here. Until now." She explains to me, I gasp at this which she chuckles at, placing a kiss on my cheek then down to my neck, placing whole bunch of light kisses on my neck.

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