⚠️Breaking Down⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee goes to visit Y/n at work who has been filming an emotional scene for 3 weeks as she plays a drug addict (Basically another version of Rue) and when she sees how drained Y/n is, she watches the breakdown and after the director shouts cut, Y/n continues and lets everything out. Hailee having to stop her while the directors continue to film but let Y/n let her emotions out.

⚠️TW⚠️: Intrusive thoughts, Suicidal thoughts, Drug abuse

INSPO: Euphoria



Y/n's POV:

I haven't slept all night, I've been too scared. I'm scared for Hailee to see me at work today, I've been filming an emotional fight scene for 3 weeks and it's been tough, I've been struggling to sleep and I'm struggling a lot mentally, I just wish I could talk about it but I know that I need to learn how to be more open about how I feel. It's not like people can read me, you know?

I'm in the make-up trailer right now and I'm really tired but then again, I don't mind. I like doing scenes like these. I don't even know why, I've just grown to enjoy these moments.

"How do you feel, baby?" I hear Hailee whisper to me, stroking my forehead before placing a kiss on my head. I shrug lightly, looking over my lines and trying to get back into the character of Ellie Thompson. I love this character but sometimes she says something to certain characters that I just hate to say and I hate feeling like I'm actually hurting them. "You okay?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Mhmm." I let out, as she moves out the way for the make-up artists and sits beside me.

"I'm excited to see you work."

"Yeah... but, um, it's a lot of work and very stressful. So, I understand if you want to go home earlier." I inform her, hoping that she'll take some sort of hint.

"Baby, I want to come here to support you." She tells me softly, "What makes you think I wouldn't?"

"I'm just... scared." I let out, she looks at me slightly confused but I can tell that she's not meaning it in a judgemental way.

"S—Scared? How...?"

"I don't know, I just..." I hesitate. "I don't know." I let out, I wait for the make-up artists to finish doing my make-up and my hair, once I was ready and I have my outfit on, I head toward set; holding Hailee's hand tightly, I can tell she knows that something is up but I just don't want to worry her. We arrive at the set and I greet my co-star, who is playing my mom, Sally Field.

"Hey, Honey! How are you?" She asks as she pulls me into a hug, I hug her back, my hand shaking a little.

"I'm—I, uh, I'm okay. What about you?" I ask her, she nods her head with a light smile but I can tell it's fake,

"I'm okay. Ready to do the scene." She tells me, I nod my head.

"Me too." I mumble in reply, sighing lightly. We wait for the directors to start and get into place with everything. I get into position while the directors discuss a few things and when I see Sally walk past me and get in her position. She holds my hand for a second before whispering:

"I love you." She tells me, I feel tears already build up in my eyes.

"3, 2, 1... ACTION!" I hear the director call out. He moves the camera as I start to walk after Sally.

"Mom! Where the fuck did you put them?!" I shout after her,

"I'm callin' the police—"

"Don't do that—"

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now