Chasing after her

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee is new to school and when she notices this one girl, she begins to feel more and more intrigued by her, chasing after her.

INSPO: Gilmore Girls

Yeah, I just started watching it and RORY IS SO CUTE!! I'm only on episode 2 of season 1! So, no spoilers! Btw this is set in early 2000s



Hailee's POV:

I walk toward my new locker, putting the numbers in and unlocking it; I open the locker and set some books down, already saving a couple of my own personal books in my bag for when I'm done.

I look around and see this beautiful girl, digging her nose into a book with a light smile; grinning ear-to-ear, as her eyes scans the words of the page, her smile tugging wider before her eyes widen in shock. She glances up, looking around and heads over to a locker, beginning to talk to someone; her voice being very attractive. She speaks so proper and intricately making me smile.

"You think my mom will allow me to head up to Denton with you?" The girl asks - what I'm assuming is - her best friend, her friend nodding intently.

"I'm sure she will. Your mom's really cool!" Her friend replies, the girl nodding her head. "Reading that again, are we?" Her friend teases, she rolls her eyes, making me smile.

"It's a good book!" The girl rebuttals in a teasing manor, her leaning her head forward with her smile still shining brightly; sending butterflies to my stomach immediately, I have to talk to her!

"Isn't this the... 5th reading?" Her friend asks,

"Yeah, but it's got amazing sentence structure, imagery, word choice— it's got it all! I feel like I'm the main character, Richard! Now, I know I'm not a guy or have the genitals of a man," I let out a small laugh at how blunt she is, she's adorable... "but I really feel like Richard because of how smart him and his 'friends' are. Plus, if you actually gave 'The Secret History' a chance, you'd know how amazing Richard and his friends are with how intellectual they are." She replies, happy and beginning to walk alongside her friend after her friend shut and locked her locker.

I have to meet this girl.


It's my 3rd day here and right now, I'm in History class and there are these 5 girls in front of me, whispering and handing each other notes as well as painting their nails.

"What is she doing?" I hear a blonde ask a brunette, I look up, eyeing them as I see them look at the girl who I saw on my first day; I've been keeping my eye on her, she really is a sight for sore eyes. It's amazing how intelligent she is, especially with some of the classes we have together. She really is so intelligent in every single class she has. I adore it, already and I haven't even spoken to her before. I don't know how she has me in such a hold already. The brunette sits up a little, leaning toward the girl's desk to see what she was writing, I can tell that the girl knew what was going on, even listening, and yet she didn't freeze or look up; she continued onto write and ignore what was happening around her just so she could continue to get the questions done. The brunette hovers over, her eyes scanning the girl's work before huffing and sitting back down, turning to her friends.

"She's actually doing the work, what a psycho." The girls complain, all giggling before continuing to pass around the nail polish, I look over at the girl; waiting for her to reply, yet I see her smile contently with herself as she continues to write down her answer, I continue on with my work while occasionally glancing up at her, looking to see what she was up too or just so I could see her happy smile that flaunts her beautiful skin just so the teacher can know she was done first.

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