Riff Ruiner

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A/N: Emily Junk x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Emily being a riff ruiner. 

Still love you bae <3



Y/n's POV:

We're doing pretty good right now, we're doing a riff-off right now and the topic is '90s hip hop jamz', I go to sing but hear Emily starts singing her song— wait, hold on? The fuck? Why she singing her song? Ain't nobody tell her to do that. 

"What 90's hip hop jam is that again?" I hear the guy say, I move back and away from Emily, hell nah, I ain't being associated with that. The fuck she doin' that for? Emily hesitates to speak but she goes to confidently say:

"M—More like... 21st century jam." She answers, nodding her head lightly. "That's it." She says, hell nah, she ain't acting like she just did something? Babes you thought you slayed. "Yeah. I wrote it." Is she gonna take the hint and stop talking? Cause this is embarrassing for us to, girl. We ain't ever did this before. The guy starts to walk toward him unimpressed and stops in front of him,

"You're saying it's an original?" He asks her, Emily looks at him confused before she looks down upsetly,

"Yes, I'm saying it's an original." She answers, everyone starts to boo— wait, hold on is that wine over there? Hell yes, I go to go over there but feel Flo pull me back,


"But I want the alcohol—"

"Shh!" She tells me, waving her hands in my face. I groan at this and turn to everyone.

"Our jam is covers." Someone from another group says,

"We spit on originals." The commentator says sternly,

"Boo-fucking-who. Can we move on now?" I ask, getting bored of this now. Honestly, can we just move on now? Like I want alcohol. What is so bad about that? 

"What is your name?" He asks her,

"Emily." She answers, letting out a shaky breath afterward. 

"Emily..." He starts and moves closer, "I hate you." He tells her, and turns around going over to Das Sound Machine. "In light of this... embarrassing and unprofessional information, I am forced to declare..." God, why is he taking so long? Since when did declaring someone a win take 10 years? "Das Sound Machine!" He exclaims, I hear everyone groaning but I quickly walk away and over to the bar, 

"Can I get some white wine?" I ask the bartender, he nods his head and I place down the money while hearing DSM celebrate, pfft, please, I could easily take all of them— not singing but in a fight. 

"Hey." I hear Emily say, I look over at her.

"Why're you talking to me? I don't wanna be associated—?"

"Oh, shut up!" Emily exclaims, hitting my arm and storms off, I quickly grab the wine and down it before heading off after her, I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm joking. I'm joking." I apologise, resting my hands on her stomach, she turns her head to me and I look over at her with a smile to see a few tears built up. I move in front of her and give her a tight hug, she hugs me back and let's out a small sob.

"I—I didn't like that..." She admits softly, I rest my hand on the back of her head and place a kiss on her cheek,

"It's okay, no one does." I reply softly, she continues to cry in my arms and I try to cheer her up for the night but nothing seems to work so I do the one thing that I know helps me,

"Y/n, where are we going?" She asks me, I take her hand and look around trying to remember if it was to the left or right.

"Just give me a second." I reply to her, realising it was to the left; I drag her to the left and Emily groans at this.

"Come on, I just want to know." She tells me, I sigh at this and glance at her.

"So impatient." I complain sarcastically making her hit my shoulder,

"Shut up." She tells me, I laugh at this and we continue to walk for 15 minutes, hand-in-hand. "Y/n, please." She continues on to say, I turn to her and stop in front of her, she stops and realises how close we are; looking me up and down, before meeting my stare again. "What?" 

"Do you trust me?" I ask her, returning the look she gave me, she moves back a little and cowers a little, I can see her trying not to smile. "Do you?" I push, she nods her head lightly. "Well, then. Shut your mouth before I tape it shut and follow me." I tell her, taking her hand and dragging her across the street since there was no cars coming neither way, I walk into the diner and I pat her back, "Go find a booth." I tell her, she nods her head and I walk over to the counter ordering a burger and fries for her and I just ordered myself some desert. I got myself pancakes with hot white chocolate sauce, blueberries and chocolate buttons all around. I'm really excited. I also got some fries cause they are exactly like Burger King fries and I love Burger King fries as they are delicious! I pay for it and tell them that we're just gonna be where Emily's sitting and I don't know how but they knew so, hey! I mean thank god I don't have to guess. I head over and sit myself down across from her, "Okay, I got us food. I'm getting a Red Bull, you are getting a water." I inform her, her shoulders fall at this. "What?"

"Where's my Red Bull?"

"In the past. Accept it. Be grateful." I tell her, making her laugh. I grin at this and we just talk about everything and anything. "How's the writing coming along?" I ask her, the food gets set in front of us, "Ooh! Thanks, Jim." I thank him, he nods his head.

"No problem. Enjoy." He says as another girl comes and gives us our drinks.

"Thanks, Kay." I tell Kayla, she smiles at this and offers a high five. I give her a high five and she walks off after telling Emily that she hopes she enjoys the food. I grab a knife and fork and go to dig in but I see Emily looking at my Red Bull. I huff at this and swap the Red Bull for the water. She grins at this.

"Thank you." She grins out and taps the place where it opens then goes to open it but struggles, 

"For god sake, it doesn't take that much to open it, just pull it." 

"I don't wanna spill it." 

"Give her, my darling." I tell her, putting my hand out. She smiles widely at this and I notice her blushing a little bit, she gives me the Red Bull and I open it for her and take a quick sip before handing it to her. She uses the napkin and wipes the bit where my lips were. "Okay, I don't have a disease." I tell her,

"With the girls you've kissed? I'm surprised." She rebuttals, I shy away a little.



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