Wanted and Desired 7

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


Not gonna lie, thought you guys would be fed up by now but I'm glad y'all are still interested in this story, enjoy! <3



Hailee's POV:

Instead of walking up the stairs one-by-one, I start going up in twos. I walk to the library and see some bitch handing her money and smiling at her,

"Thanks, Katie." One of them says, staring at her. She shrugs lightly, she looks so out of it. What's going on with her?

"No problem, Liv." She replies, this Liv bitch walks past me, and I make her fall into the wall, she gasps at this and glares at me, I give her my middle finger, not even looking in her direction as I start to walk over toward Katie.

"What the hell was that?" I ask her, sitting next to her. I see Katie's eyes widen when she sees me and she sighs lightly, she goes to protest but I grab her hand and direct her into the back room where no one goes in. I shut the door as people will know not to come in here even further. "What are you doing?" I ask sharply, turning my body toward her and see her standing nervously.

"I—" She goes to continue but I can see her panicking.

"You promised only me." I tell her, slightly annoyed. I ask for one thing and she can't fucking do that?

"Okay, but Angel told me you're still sleeping with people—"

"Oh, my god. You're seriously gonna listen to her? I've stopped sleeping with people ever since I met you!" I shout at her; she just sits down, and I see her slouch slightly. Her face just looking so annoyed. "So?" I ask her, waiting for her to at least apologise.

"So, what?" She questions, speaking a lot louder than I've ever heard her before. I see her staring at me with anger in her eyes, I move closer to her.

"Why're you being rude to me—?"

"You're not my girlfriend, alright? You made that—" I push her back down as she tries to stand up, I straddle her waist and cup her neck in my hands, her staring at me.

"That doesn't mean that I like to share what I want, now don't pull that shit ever again." I tell her sternly, she just stays quiet and stares into my soul, I can see how blank she is. What is going on with her? "Now wanna tell me what's going on with you?" I ask her, letting go of her neck. She leans back and crosses her arms, staying quiet. Not saying anything. Her eyes just staying on my stomach. I snap my fingers,

"I'm not a dog—"

"Well, it's rude to ignore someone." I cut her off, I see her roll her eyes as she shakes her head, her tongue showing at the bottom of her lip as she shakes her head. Why is she hot when she's angry? She turns back to me, her bottom lip under her top lip as she fixes her glasses, and her tongue moves back. "What is going on with you?" I ask her, in a much softer tone. She just looks down, I move my index and middle finger under her chin and move her head up, her eyes meeting mines. "You've been acting weird for the past two weeks, I'm worried about you." I express to her, shuffling closer to her. I see her clench her jaw as she rests her head on the corner of her couch.

"It's not—"

"Don't lie to me, Katie. I swear to god, I'm not in the mood." I tell her, sternly. I see her raise an eyebrow at this. Why is she so emotionless right now? This isn't the Kathleen that I've gotten to know.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now